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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Exclamation Nausea almost every morning, shaking (right now!!)

    Hey guys, after trying to find help here I finally made an account myself, it's just better to talk about my own situations than try to find a similar one!

    My phobia has gotten worse the last weeks or months but I've also felt sick all the time. Sometimes there were weeks without but since I moved to my mom I've been feeling sick a lot!!
    I'd get really bad anxiety and start to shake and feel worse, and sometimes I start to pant and need to call someone if hypnosis doesnt work.

    This morning I woke up thirst so I got up and drank a few gulps of water and went to bed and I felt sick immediately! I figured it was because I drank too fast on an empty stomach but I couldn't stop freaking out gradually.
    I managed to calm down with hypnosis and fall asleep again but now I'm up again after some hours and I'm still feeling ill! I'm scared it hasn't been anxiety all along and I'm really sick.. I'm still shaking and I feel like my stomach is all emptying itself(?) and my whole belly makes noises and I'm so scared it's real!! I also feel some pressure in my throat but my friend that that's anxiety.

    What can I do to calm down? Any reassurance I'm fine and I won't v*?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Nausea almost every morning, shaking (right now!!)

    Take some deep breaths. First off instead of water try something that has sugar like coolaide . Don't chug just sip. Your insulin lvls are low when you wake up so you need sugar. The gurgling in the stomach could be anything from being hungry too just having gas. Water always makes me nauseous don't know why.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Nausea almost every morning, shaking (right now!!)

    I agree, try something with sugar. The nausea tablets I take are full of sugar, and that is said to help relieve nausea. Sip slowly and try to relax. I think you're fine. The pressure in your throat sounds like anxiety or gas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Nausea almost every morning, shaking (right now!!)

    *hugs* I keep full-sugar ginger ale on hand as well as Saltines or any other bland cracker. I used to get very nauseated every AM and found that it was due to low blood sugar after 8 hours of sleep and no food.

    I get that same lump in my throat when I get anxious and it goes away. I hope you feel better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Nausea almost every morning, shaking (right now!!)

    thanks a bunch guys. I needed distraction after all and then I felt better. But sometimes I'm scared and think it's not my distraction, but the sickness that just comes and goes. This morning I felt sick after a while. But that probably was because of hunger! Though, I never want to eat then and sometimes I'm even to scared to eat. I have become so much worse thorough the last couple weeks I've nevet been this cautious. It's all since I've felt sick a lot...

    But I'm better now too. I tried to eat and although it made me sick in the beginning I'm feeling better now...but hunger had never scared me before...



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