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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default i am so scared and any advice on other worries of mine pls

    I feel awful my stomach feel weird but cant pin point how i feel s* or not. I have taken an anti sickness but dont feel good my lower stomach aches like period pain but its not periods. I am freaking out now that i have a bug i dont go out the house and have my own bathroom but i live in a house at the moment that has my parents in it and they lead a normal life and go out everyday multiple times and are not fussy about hand washing like me, they dont worry about getting a tummy bug. So now i feel funny and i dont know why. Could i have caught something from my parents going out, they are not ill at the moment but could they have brought germs in the house and i touched them. I try my best to wash my hands i am always doing it even to the point i sometimes bleach my hands, but on the odd occasion i do something stupid and touch my face without washing my hands after touching something that has come from a shop. I am so worried. I do suffer from a stomach ulcer and acid in my stomach but this just felt different. I know no one knows the answer but i had to ask sorry. Also while i am here does anyone worry about using a shower after someone else or using the bath after someone else. I have my own bathroom but my dad had an operation and is having to use my bathroom for a bath everyday as the other bathroom only has a shower and now i am scared to use it case any germs are in the bath, is that just me or does anyone else worry. I know i can clean it with bleach but what if that isnt enough or i miss a bit as i can be very ocd over cleaning and find it hard to stop case i have not done it rite. Sorry to ramble on but any advice would be gratley appreciated. Sorry just got more to say does anyone worry about the tummy bug being contagious in poo before hand what if someone has been to the toilet and not washed there hands well and then touch something you touch. It makes me paranoid of everyone. Even i know my parents wash there hands after the toilet but what if they dont wash them properly. This makes it hard to even be around well healthy people. Am i the only one that thinks like this. Does anyone else find it hard to handle things from a shop because you dont know who has touched it. I feel so scared to do anything. I wish this fear would go away and i can lead a normal life again. I read on here that some of you work and go out, eat out etc how do you do it while having this horrible fear any advice on how you do this without fear pls share with me i am desperate to get my life back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: i am so scared and any advice on other worries of mine pls

    The odds of somebody bringing germs into your house and you actually catching them is slim to none. The virus is spread from feces and v*, mostly. So using a bathroom right after somebody who is sick has been in there with d* or v* is a risk, but somebody carrying the virus into your home and you then catcing it is very unlikely. I'm sure it's just anxiety. For us emets it is just anxiety 99% of the time haha You're not alone with your thoughts, I promise.
    And, lower stomach pain is probably just gas or something like that. As far as i'm concerned, if you have a stomach bug or something, the pain or discomfort is in the upper area, like between your ribs. There are lots of none v*-connected reasons to upper stomach pain as well though, indigestion being one very common of them. You're fine, I promise



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