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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Ottawa, ON

    Default New to...everything

    I am new here and am just getting used to the format. I have not been diagnosed but I am afraid to go and see someone to talk about it.

    I struggle accepting that I have this because I feel like my stomach hurts often. The doctors are undergoing tests but you can tell by the smirks on their faces that they consider me to only have anxiety issues.

    I have never told them that I have trouble taking the bus because if I got sick I would be humiliated. And if I am on the bus I try to talk myself down from it in my head but I can visualize it happening. I can smell it. I can see the reactions of people. And although this has never, ever actually happened...it feels so real. The threat is so real.

    I haven't told them that I can't be in the same room as someone who is ill. That I stop talking to customers when I sense that they aren't feeling well. That bars are scary places that people get sick at.

    I have safe foods. I call them safe foods. Sometimes I eat the same food for weeks before I switch. A while ago my safe food was ice cream...which sounds awesome but did nothing for my waistline.

    I ONLY like eating in my room.

    I do not go to restaurants.

    I have a partner that cares for me and helps me along.

    However...my job is slipping out of my hands. My focus isn't there. I am so worried all the time about every feeling in my stomach. I forget to count cash, I call in sick, I get sent home.

    I guess I am looking for someone to...talk to.

    Are these feelings shared?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: New to...everything

    Hello! Yes, I believe these feelings are shared by many if not most people on this website.

    I definitely know the feeling of being at the doctors and trying to explain that you feel sick, yet you know that they don't believe it.

    I don't have a job since I'm still in high school, but this phobia greatly affected my performance in school due to staying home and missing periods by going to the nurse. It got to the point that I'm now doing an Independent Study program where I do my work at home. I didn't mean for this to be long, but I just want to let you know that everyone on here (myself included) understands what you are feeling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Manchester, England

    Default Re: New to...everything

    Hi SilencedBlonde,

    I think you will find that most people on this site have very similar behavioural patterns. Myself included. I have had emetophobia for 11 years and for most of that time it really has ruled my life. I am by no means cured, things are still quite difficult to deal with but the best thing I ever did was gain the courage to talk to someone about it. I've had some really useful therapy for it which has made certain things much easier to deal with and less scary. I think once you take a step in the right direction of recovery, you may feel better about it. Recovery as a cure for this type of thing is very difficult and a very long process. But recovery in the sense that you gain courage to do things it has stopped you from doing before and learning to cope with certain things is something that can feel very liberating. Another good thing that I did was to do some research around emetophobia, learn what types of therapy can be successful and also learn how it affects others so you don't feel so alone as you'll feel like you're reading about yourself. The thing with emetophobia is that also everyone is different, it really does manifest itself in very similar ways in those who have it.

    I would suggest to you that when you feel ready, to talk to your doctor again, explain that you think you have emetophobia and that it is causing anxiety. Ask for a referral to psychological therapies. CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) can be really really effective with this sort of thing. But my advice to you would be if you start therapy and don't notice a lot of progress the first time around, don't feel disheartened. It's a long process that requires dedication and perseverance. Even if you feel afterwards that you aren't cured, it may be that you have learned some new ways to cope and thats good in itself. I wish you luck, the sooner you can get a diagnosis you can start to make progress.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States

    Default Re: New to...everything

    Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear your doctors are not taking you seriously. I have had a similar experience with doctors, and it is really improtant that your health care providers treat you with respect, even if it is 'just' anxiety.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: New to...everything

    Welcome to the site. i am pretty new myself hun. An i know exactly how you feel. My phobia is not as bad as some peoples on here because i have had treatment but it never ended. An before I used to be terrified of travelling on buses. Never ate anything that was the days date or over the due date. I'm still terrified of doctors and hospitals especially the waiting part. i used to be terrified of chesty coughs an always asked the person if they were alright constantly but this has stopped now. i didn't have my first alcoholic drink till I was 18 or go out because I was scared of people being ill around me and myself. But my treatment that I did have has helped me have a social life again. i still suffer still though when being in a car or a confined space with someone or myself is ill because I can't escape. you are not alone babes an this site has helped me loads because I have realized I'm not alone and its such a relief. if you ever need to talk your more then welcome to spk to me when i am on here x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Nashville, TN

    Default Re: New to...everything

    You are not alone and there is help. I've only just joined this community myself, so I'm learning the ropes as well. However, I have been in other emet groups and have found that I am among the very lucky few to a) have a partner who is supportive and takes my emet seriously, and b) to have found a therapist that takes my phobia seriously and put me on track with a treatment plan. Mine included exposure therapy and medication, but she never once gave me that look we've all gotten from our GPs.

    I'm assuming there is a way to reach out via private message, and if you EVER feel alone please feel free to reach out to me (or I'm sure almost anyone here). I have suffered from this my entire life and have come so far since finding help and I would love to share anything I can with you if it would help you too. Hang in there!




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