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  1. #1

    Default I am so anxious, please help

    Hi eveveryone
    i am in Australia and am going to Europe in a few weeks.

    every single night I panic about it and I awake up feeling really distressed and don't want to put myself through it.

    i am TERRIFIED of the flight and have read some horror stories on this site, and a travel forum, about people getting airsick, bad turbulence, etc. and the closer I get to my trip the more anxious I get and the less I want to go

    i am worried that I will v* but more that other people will and I'll be stuck with no escape.

    please help, any reassurance is appreciated.

    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    I can honestly tell you that I have flown more times than I can count and have NEVER seen anyone get sick on a flight. It's not very common to get air sick, motion sickness is more often caused by car or boat travel. If you are worried, buy some dramamine or other motion sickness tablets. The success rates are extremely high! Put that concern out of your mind, it's not going to happen. As far as others getting sick, rent some of the headphone and listen to the 'relaxation' channel on the plane that's offered. It will help you to calm down and avoid the sounds of other people. Most people who are going to have problems are going to have them during take off and/or landing, so do some visualization practicing between now and then to prepare yourself to 'zone out' for that. Thankfully it's only a few short minutes. But honestly, again, I've NEVER seen anyone get ill and I've flown all over the place. It's not going to happen, you'll be FINE! Have a terrific trip!!!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Thank you for answering me. I've just read so many bad stories but I don't know if they're legit or not.

    we paid extra to get 2 seats together on the top deck of the a380 but heard someone say air hostesses say the turbulence is worse up there because of the centre of gravity. So now I'm freaking out because of that.

    have you ever been on the top deck of an a380?

    i am so wondering if all the stress is worth it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Hi there, I am sorry you are really suffering over this, PLEASE do not give up! You must go - to prove to yourself you will be fine. If I were you I would end the googling on travel forums and any googling at all about flight experiences. Every time you do this you are bringing the anxiety to the surface and reinforcing your anxiety. Do NOT cancel your trip, you will regret it, I promise you. You can beat this, but first you MUST stop googling - please. Turbulence is virtually non-existent these days - honestly, pilots avoid any foreseeable turbulence. Sure, there are the odd air pockets, but seriously, it's not bad! I have flown numerous times to Europe and back, with emeto' phobia. I would LOVE a seat on the top deck of a 380 - fantastic! Equip yourself with Dr Russ Harris' Mindfulness CD exercises - I urge you to buy his CD tomorrow - also buy a copy of his book The Happiness Trap - it will help you enormously. Have you got an iphone with relaxing music etc for the flight? Have you ever taken tranquilizers before? They will relax you I promise - to the point where you wont give two hoots about anything!!! Fantastic!!! You can do this - you CAN!!! But stop googling all those bad things - they just aren't true and posted by people who have a fear of flying perhaps. Your doctor should be telling you when to take your meds to see you through. Are you on antidepressants for anxiety? There is so much help out there, you don't need to suffer. Don't give up - this is a trip of a lifetime - you won't regret it.
    Take care, Daniela

  5. #5

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Hi DanielaThank you for your email, it warmed my heart and I remember you responded to my previous posts on this so I'm really grateful.I've got his book and that cd, it's on my iPod along with lots of relaxing music. I also have a kindle so heaps of electronic books.I also bought noise cancelling earphones, have an eye mask and normal earplugs. Just hope no one right near me is sick because I prob won't know about it otherwise (even they even are).My doc told me to take 4mg of valium, I usually take 2mg which takes the edge off and she thinks 4mg will calm me more. Hope so!No, I've been on 7 or 8 different anti-deps and they numbed me without taking away my anxiety and the psychiatrist ended up saying they weren't the right family of meds for me, thus the valium.I did have nausea (genuine) with a couple of them, put on 17kgs with another and felt spaced out and had memory problems with all of them unfortunately.That's good advice not to read any more posts about air travel, I was looking for reassurance! Some of those bad thingsmyst happen unless people are exaggerating? That wld be mean Thanks again, you are very kind

  6. #6

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Hi Daniela
    thanks for your kind words, I remember you answering my post before.

    that's good advice, I won't read stuff any more, I was trying to seek reassuring posts but it backfired!

    i have the book and cd you mentioned, have an iPod, kindle, earphones and eye mask.

    i was feeling better about it but then I heard on the news this morning that a qantas flight from Chile had 26 students on it who had v* and d* probably from Noro which they contracted at youth week before they got on the plane.

    now I'm panicking again. Was doing ok

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Ahhhhh you poor thing - I was wondering whether you'd heard the news - I wasn't going to mention it those students where in Rio for Catholic Youth Day celebrations - I think they got food poisoning - easy to do in Rio, or possibly contaminated water. I doubt it was Noro. Whatever you do, don't google it, there is no point, it will make your anxiety worse! In all my years of travel, I have never encountered that sort of thing. Knock-on-wood we never do! Do you know I don't even watch the news - I refuse. It's so full of violent images and crap that I don't need to make my anxiety worse. I figure if something bad happens, I'll hear about it anyway, which I usually do. When do you leave for overseas? Focus now on all the positive things, like where you're going, all the amazing things you're going to see, figure out all your sightseeing etc. Seems like you're well equipped with kindle, CD, Dr Russ - God I love him!!! You will be totally fine sitting in your nice seat on the 380 deck - cool! Most flights are really smooth - with little turbulence etc. Just remember those students are not emets, so wouldn't have been super cautious about hygeine, food safety etc. Everything will be ok
    Hope hope you feel better Daniela

  8. #8

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    I know, I couldn't believe it!

    i don't think that type of thing happens that often. My husband thinks its fp as well as they all got sick at the same time so thinks it was something they ate.

    my doc also told me to take 4mg of valium rather than my usual 2mg so hopefully it works.

    My hubby also said stop thinking about what if and think about all the fun things we're going to do. I feel ungrateful but I'm not, it's just the emet. And I'm doing it for dad who passed away in December.

    i think you sound amazingly strong, so brave doing all that travelling, how do u cope?

    thanks for all your support,you've been so kind

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    I'm sorry your Dad passed away, that would be so hard to deal with, you are strong! Stronger than you think! Well, I've had emet since age 8, and we travelled to Europe as a family a few times when I was growing up. I was like everyone else, scared of being sick from flying, but I learnt through experience that I didn't get sick. I used to starve myself on those flights, but that made it worse. I learnt it was better to eat. so, I learnt it was ok to fly, and I never looked back. We emets are all strong to have to deal with this :-) 4mg valium will put you at ease, no worries! Your hubby sounds supportive, mine is too :-) you will have a ball OS :-) when do you leave ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    So sorry about your Dad. I totally understand the travelling thing, I'm from the UK and just got back from 2 weeks in America. I worked myself up so much before I went that I couldn't sleep and I definitely couldn't eat which just made me tired and weak. I wasn't ill at all and neither did I see anyone else who was! My boyfriend was very caring and made sure I didn't have to be in any situations that would set me off. You'll be absolutely fine! Go and enjoy yourself, don't let panicking ruin your trip sweetie! God bless!

  11. #11

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Thanks Daniela and Beth Rose
    It was pretty devastating but at least he's not suffering anymore.
    and my mum is French and she loves Italy and is so happy I'm going there and seeing the family etc so I'll think of her when I get stressed.
    my husband is pretty good but I've been really difficult the last few weeks and I think he'll need some valium by the time we leave, I'm stressing him out a bit!
    we leave 30 August do not long at all.
    my mum said if I'm still stressed after 4mg I can have another 2mg in a few hours, it's still a low dose but I'll see how I go.
    i'll definitely post once I get there and hopefully it will be under success stories!
    i might have to post again closer to the time as I'll prob freak out by then but in the meantime I'm trying to focus on the fun things, not trawl travel blogs etc.
    big hugs!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Oh wow, your Mum is French! Fantastic! My Dad is Italian :-) it will be so nice in France and Italy, end of Summer, still warm weather over there :-) we'll be thinking of you, would love it if you could post and let us know how you're doing when you get there! I'm wondering, are you from Melbourne? Cheers, Daniela

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    I completely 100% understand! I actually love to fly, it's exciting, but as soon as the person I'm sitting next to me/around me coughs, looks ill, or makes any sudden movements (yeah, my anxiety makes me so jumpy!) I freak out! Xanax helps me a ton and I've flown countless times and have never been sick/seen anyone become sick on the plane. I am flying domestically next week, so I'm having lots of anxiety preparing for it. My best advice is to take earphones (good music/a happy movie), ignore everyone, take a benzo (if you have them), gets lots of sleep and eat well in the days before (your body will handle stress better/be better equipped to fight of any germs), water, mints/gum, and Dramamine is my savior (plus it makes me sleepy and calm)! You will be just fine. If you want to be extra safe/have a good sense of humor, wear a hospital mask, people won't want to come/sit near you and you'll be filtering out any germs. Lol

  14. #14

    Default Re: I am so anxious, please help

    Looking forward to getting away from the cold - I don't live in Melbourne but am in the south eastern corner I live in a cold place!



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