I know you are hesitant to check on food sensitivities, but if you are at the end of your rope, it's worth a shot. If you are like me, I was finally willing to do ANYTHING to relieve the nausea. Anything. For me, that meant getting tested for food sensitives and stepping out of my comfort zone to eat differently. It has made a HUGE difference for me. I am allergic to wheat, and my entire list of comfort foods was carb related, which meant everything had wheat in it. I have notices MUCH less anxiety because I am not nauseous all the time. My family cannot believe the difference! I finally accepted that my body was created to function properly, and if it wasn't, something was wrong. The amount of nausea and gas and bloating and overall discomfort that I was living with were not normal, and no matter how many people said it was anxiety, I knew better. A big one for me was the horrible nausea I experienced before a BM. Since I am avoiding wheat, that has decreased almost 100%. I guess I'm just saying that if you are feeling so discouraged, it may be time to open your mind to be willing to do whatever it takes to find relief. Best of luck to you! It can be so much better!