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Thread: Someone:(

  1. #1

    Default Someone:(

    One of those nights..... I hate this.. I cannot take nights like these where you feel trapped and consumed by your own fear.. Since my break up three months ago its just been a downward spiral for me... I've gotten a lot worse with my emetophobia and it's progressin more an more and I just don't know what to do about it... ... I just don't even know what to say on here I'm so nervous and I don't feel good and I'm so scared... The worst part is that I don't have my boyfriend anymore to help me through it... I'm completely on my own and I hate it. I know I sound very stupid because I should need someone for myself to feel okay, but it's kind of true... I wish it would just go away... Has anyone completely overcome their emetophobia? I've had it since I was little and it's had it's ups and its downs but its going back up again since my break up..I used to take anxiety medication but I stopped taking it because after the drug related death of my 18 year old friend I didn't want to take any type of drug.... Now I'm starting to think I need to take them..I'm struggling very badly and I wish the scariness would just stop... It only is at night when it happens.. There's nobody to talk to or to be there and it's just me myself and I. I really struggle with being alone now I think because I was so used to always being with my boyfriend and now that he's gone it's terrifying facing my fear by myself. He was a big help to me and I always slept at his house so I never did have to be alone at night:/ how pathetic is that?... Anyone if you could maybe just some advice, words of encouragement etc. please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Someone:(

    I'm sorry you're feeling so down. I don't know your background because I'm new here. Night times are always worse when my emet is bad. Have you got any friends around that you can talk to about your breakup? I would think about going to see your doctor is the anxiety is getting worse. I know you said you don't want to take meds but sometimes you have to admit you need help. I hope you're feeling a bit better this morning.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Someone:(

    Hey it sounds like you're going through a really rough time, if you need any help or just someone to talk to dont hesitate to pm me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Someone:(

    Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time. Im sure breaking up with your boyfriend has knocked you out of your comfort zone. Just take every night you get through your panic as a building block. Each night just gets you closer to your goal & eventually you'll learn to talk yourself down & be able to cope with bad times. Its still early days & Im sure you are still hurt from the break up. Just try to take your mind off things. Keep your tv on a low volume when you're in bed & if things get too much just get up & do something. Hope things get easier for you.



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