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Thread: advice please!

  1. #1

    Default advice please!

    Hey everyone,
    I wondered if you have any advice - I've just recently started a relationship, and I haven't told him about my emetophobia. I had a small panic attack in front of him about a week ago, and I managed to keep it under the wraps pretty well and then I just said something vague about how being in bed sometimes freaks me out (its one of my triggers). I dunno what he thought of that, because I don't think he knows a lot about mental health stuff...

    Do you think I should tell him/explain? and if so - how? what have you guys all done with this kind of thing?

    I feel like if I don't tell him its just going to get weird because I'm going to keep being my emetophobic self and he's going to just think I'm totally annoying or something!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Re: advice please!

    Tell him. I told my ex early on and it helps them understand you better. If the don't accept you they aren't worth your time :P. hiding it would make it some weird secret double life that you don't want in a relationship. Keep it casual when you bring it up but let them know it does effect you life.

    Be like "since we are dating I just want honesty to be important... I want to be honest about having anxiety. *cue explanation of what it is and what they can expect*." Let them know what to expect but just be sure to be casual and not make it this horrifying ordeal :P people can be very understanding!

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hove, UK

    Default Re: advice please!

    I've been lucky in that everyone I've told has always been really understanding and supportive, I'm not shy about who I tell either. I'd tell him, in all likelihood he'll probably be helpful and supportive and if he's not then maybe he's not the right guy for you. Be brave, don't be ashamed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: advice please!

    Tell him. I told my boyfriend VERY early on. He is so understanding and supportive because he has always known. I guess he just accepts that this is how I am.
    M I D N I G H T



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