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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default How can I resist eating nauseating foods?

    When ever I ea sweets or chocolate, boom it makes me feel sick and terrified that the sugar will make me sick and it makes me feel almost sea sick.
    I always feel fine when I crave it though so I buy it (can't stop!) and eat it then feel sick.
    Any ways I can stop my self buying it?
    Need to get some self control when it comes to junk food
    But seriously, its looping a pointless painful loop.
    Then because I ate them and feel sick I don't eat good nutritious food, and im afraid that will result in my V*ing and just becoming really unhealthy.
    Please give me some ideas of how to control my cravings!
    Thankfully, weight isn't a problem for me as I can eat and eat and eat and I wont gain a thing. YAY!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States

    Default Re: How can I resist eating nauseating foods?

    Think of some foods that you like, and consider a treat, and buy those instead of the things that upset you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: How can I resist eating nauseating foods?

    Sugar can't make you sick. Maybe the sea-sicky feeling you are getting after eating sugary foods is a mix of anxiety and a bit of a sugar rush though, especially if you hadn't eaten properly previously, your blood sugar will be swinging from low to high and after eating sugary foods/drinks it then plunges back down again which can make you feel tired and off-colour.

    I wouldn't deprive yourself entirely of any food group, including junk food, everything in moderation is the best thing. If you do buy chocolate why not get something smaller from the kiddies section like a Freddo, those really thin Dairy Milks or a finger of Fudge? Then you get a taste you enjoy without going overboard.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: How can I resist eating nauseating foods?

    Yes I do have problems with my sugar levels, I get very grouchy if I don't eat well and if I eat too much sugar, its not good news for my mum
    I will try and just eat small bits of chocolate. Thanks for the help!



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