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Thread: I have it.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default I have it.

    Hi everyone, I woke up on Friday morning and felt N, and started to get my jeans on when I realised I was about to V
    So I spent yesterday V'ing, and as an emet for 22 years, and I hadn't V'ed in 22 years even though I hate V it was good to get it out of my system. I felt that the aches and pains I've been having were more of a problem some how

    umm anyway, I just wanted to ask, I live with my parents and my mum was with me the whole time, I'm worried about her and my dad catching it now. Even though the house has been bleached, I'm really scared of my mum catching it as she faints when she Vs and she has only just lost my nana and is down and depressed anyway.
    I think I must have picked up this virus on Tuesday while at college
    If my parents were to get it how long would it take? I'm a nervous wreck.

  2. #2

    Default Re: I have it.

    I'm sorry to hear that you have a tummy bug. xxx How do you feel about emet now though? Do you think it was as bad as you thought? Because everyone hates to v* anyway, so being able to tolerate it is a HUGE step.

    I would keep bleaching, making sure she uses another toilet that you didn't v* in, hand wash etc. Maybe get her out of the house for a while. It can make you and your mum feel better. I know when I am having a panic attack, the last place I want to be is home where my bathroom brings back bad memories. Keep us posted on how you go, I hope you feel better soon. xxxx <3

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: I have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moo View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that you have a tummy bug. xxx How do you feel about emet now though? Do you think it was as bad as you thought? Because everyone hates to v* anyway, so being able to tolerate it is a HUGE step.

    I would keep bleaching, making sure she uses another toilet that you didn't v* in, hand wash etc. Maybe get her out of the house for a while. It can make you and your mum feel better. I know when I am having a panic attack, the last place I want to be is home where my bathroom brings back bad memories. Keep us posted on how you go, I hope you feel better soon. xxxx <3
    Thanks for the reply
    Umm I actually don't feel too bad about V now, I even laughed straight after doing it I must be nuts, lol.
    There's actually nowhere else for my mum to go at the minute and she's been using the same toilet as me
    I felt as though me V'ing was less scary than actually hearing or seeing other people V. It's so strange. At the time all I wanted to do was get the germs out of my body, and I kept telling myself that's all it was.
    Last year I use to sit reading this forum shaking and crying because I was so scared.

    If my parents were to catch it how long would it be until they start V'ing?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: I have it.

    Honestly, if you wash your hands after going #2 and bleach the flusher and sink handles there's no way for her to contract it. At this point if she was exposed on Friday morning, TOPS 48 hours later she'd be sick. I think she already would at this point. If she's still well tomorrow you can rest assured that as long as you keep washing up well and keep the bathroom bleached for a few days you (and she) are in the clear. Are you sure it was a bug? Were you around sick people?

  5. #5

    Default Re: I have it.

    That's great to hear! Because really, v* lasts less than minute of your day, it's something so minute that it's not that important. Although the feeling you get once it's out is a relief, it's like a fresh new you!

    Hmm...it can take up to three days, but maybe get her some ginger tea, or something that will help with nausea if she does feel a bit off. If she does seem to get all the symptoms, maybe take her to hospital so then if she does v* there are nurses there to make sure she doesn't faint mid v*ing and choke.

  6. #6

    Default Re: I have it.

    Hmm... I can't be sure it was a tummy bug. Because there are many reasons why people v*. I've given up worrying about emet until I feel sick. When I feel sick, I whip out the ginger tea and relax. Most of the time it's from anxiety.

    The last time I was physically ill was when i had tonsillitis. I have only v* with that. Never had a stomach bug before. the other tiems i've been sick was when I had bad panic attacks where I did be sick. :/

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: I have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    Honestly, if you wash your hands after going #2 and bleach the flusher and sink handles there's no way for her to contract it. At this point if she was exposed on Friday morning, TOPS 48 hours later she'd be sick. I think she already would at this point. If she's still well tomorrow you can rest assured that as long as you keep washing up well and keep the bathroom bleached for a few days you (and she) are in the clear. Are you sure it was a bug? Were you around sick people?
    I'm worried mum breathed in the V vapour. I've just been bleaching everything again

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: I have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moo View Post
    That's great to hear! Because really, v* lasts less than minute of your day, it's something so minute that it's not that important. Although the feeling you get once it's out is a relief, it's like a fresh new you!

    Hmm...it can take up to three days, but maybe get her some ginger tea, or something that will help with nausea if she does feel a bit off. If she does seem to get all the symptoms, maybe take her to hospital so then if she does v* there are nurses there to make sure she doesn't faint mid v*ing and choke.
    That's a good way to think of it
    Oh, I don't have any ginger tea. Mum should be ok if she gets it, I just don't want her being more upset and everything than she already is.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: I have it.

    i feel quitefor me the V part really would be horrific. I document my V times for some reason in my brain

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: I have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moo View Post
    Hmm... I can't be sure it was a tummy bug. Because there are many reasons why people v*. I've given up worrying about emet until I feel sick. When I feel sick, I whip out the ginger tea and relax. Most of the time it's from anxiety.

    The last time I was physically ill was when i had tonsillitis. I have only v* with that. Never had a stomach bug before. the other tiems i've been sick was when I had bad panic attacks where I did be sick. :/
    I've been the same with emet, usually I don't really worry about it until winter comes along.

    You're lucky to have never had a tummy bug before I use to have them when I was in primary school, but managed to go 22 years without ving.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: I have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by misspiggy1990 View Post
    i feel quitefor me the V part really would be horrific. I document my V times for some reason in my brain
    Oh dear Sounds like you over think it or something. That's what I usually do too

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: I have it.

    Hmm. It's 2:30am and I'm still stressing that I could have given noro to my parents It's 41 hours since I first V'ed and my mum was with me when I first V'ed. I'm counting every hour.
    I've been going around the house bleaching what I can and using dettol disinfectant spray on other things.

    I'm now also wondering where I caught it from. College was on Tuesday, and I caught a bus there, but I didn't eat anything there. The only thing I could have done is touch a surface or something like that.
    I also ate and apple on Wednesday, which I didn't clean as thoroughly as I usually do.
    Or also on Tuesday my brother had my baby niece over who was a bit quiet, and apparently she had D today. So I'm not sure where I've got it from, I didn't really even touch my niece as I was too tired from college. The only thing I did was touch a baby cup she'd used.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: I have it.

    Usually someone starts showing symptoms within 48 hours. I've found that in our house, it's usually around the 36 hour mark.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: I have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by sdd View Post
    Usually someone starts showing symptoms within 48 hours. I've found that in our house, it's usually around the 36 hour mark.
    Ok, thank you. It will be 48hours since my first V in 5hours time. I'm scared that she'll be sick in the next 5hours then.
    My mum has had a stomach bug about 3 years ago, so maybe she had the strain I have back then. I don't know.
    I'm just so worried.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: I have it.

    Like u i'd be worried about passing it on, just gonna be as hygeinic as poss and hope I guess, hoping they will not get it though probably won't.
    U did well to get through it and realise it was nothing terrible.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: I have it.

    Thanks bluebell, I never thought I would have gotten through it, but I did

    I'm still worried about anyone else getting it. It's been 63 hours since I first V'ed now. I stopped V'ing 53 hours ago.
    Would my mum have caught it by now? I stayed up all night panicking and worrying.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: I have it.

    You're in the clear at this point, if your mom is still fine she'll remain that way I'm sure. Just keep practicing good hygiene! Not sure where you caught it from, where were you on Wednesday and Thursday? Glad she's still ok!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have it.

    I've just been trying to search the internet looking for answers and stuff, I'm so scared of anyone else catching it I feel like crying
    I might go bleach the toilet again in a minute and other things I've touched.
    I think I was in all day on Wednesday and Thursday, so I can't think of where I caught it from. Unless it was that apple I ate on Wednesday. Or maybe my brother touched some surface in the house after changing his daughter, I'm not sure.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    United States

    Default Re: I have it.

    You probably caught it either at college or on Wednesday when you did not clean your apple. But most likely from college. Do you touch your face a lot?

  20. #20
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    Default Re: I have it.

    Umm yeah I probably do touch my face a lot, as I'm quite a nervous person I must have touched a door handle or something.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: I have it.

    I've just been bleaching things again. I feel like I need to put more things in the washing machine, but it's 2:25am here, so I can't. Plus I still feel weak from Friday

  22. #22
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    Default Re: I have it.

    I know it's hard, but you need to relax. Really, truly if you've washed your hands after going #2 and spray down the flusher and the sink handles you really are ok and your mom is going to be fine. You don't need to keep cleaning and doing laundry. Go to bed and get a good night of rest.

    As for where you got it, I think your brother's baby may have passed it on to you. I really doubt it was the apple. I eat unclean fruit ALL OF THE TIME and haven't ever caught a bug. If it was, that would just be poor luck. No matter what, it's over and done with. Stop looking it up on the web.

    Everyone is going to be ok, you're going to be ok. Get a good night of rest and tomorrow you'll be all that much happier when you are well rested and this ordeal is one more day behind you!

  23. #23
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    Default Re: I have it.

    Thanks Syrup I usually have anxiety like this when I'm afraid of catching it myself, but I feel even worse thinking I may give it to others.
    I'm the same with fruit, I usually give it a quick wash.

    I think my niece may have given it to me too. My mum hasn't been feeling well the last few days (she was achey, tired and off her food), but I thought that may have been all the stress of my nana dying and everything. I'm now thinking she possibly had it before me but without the V or D.

    I have a steamer so I may get that out tomorrow and steam around the stairs (as I V'ed on there it came all of a sudden ) it's wooden though, so had been bleached 3 times since.

    Thanks for everything syrup I'll come and update what happens

  24. #24
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    Default Re: I have it.

    You don't need to steam mop and you don't have to keep bleaching. It does sound like she's already had it and that your niece had a tummy bug (perhaps she was sick a few days before and they either didn't really notice or didn't think to tell you?) and passed it on to you all. REALLY, REALLY think it's over! Relax a bit. Wash your hands - everything will be ok!

  25. #25
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    Default Re: I have it.

    Hi syrup I didn't steam in the end, I still don't have the energy to do much. I've eaten more today though, my appetite seems to be back.
    My brother and his ex have just split up, and my brother gets my niece a few days a week, so maybe my nieces mum forgot to tell my brother or something, I'm unsure.
    The 72 hour period has gone now, and I feel a little more relaxed
    Thanks for all of the support, I really appreciate it.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have it.

    Good, I'm glad. You really are going to be A-OK!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: I have it.

    OMG. You handled it so well! You should be very proud of yourself! So sorry to hear that you caught it though.. But hey, you lived through it and it was nice to see that you don't mind V* as much anymore. Big HUGS to you!
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  28. #28

    Default Re: I have it.

    I am very pleased to hear everythign ahs been going ok. But people get bugs from everything, but if you aren't staying healthy your body won't be able to fight it off. :/ So is your fear of v* gone, or would you still panic if it were to happen?



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