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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Vancouver, Canada

    Default Good reason to miss a MANDATORY school trip?

    There's a MANDATORY trip for school. It's for four days and three nights. Although my emet has gotten better, there is no way I can handle going. The trip is in early Febraury. I need a good excuse not to go. Please not the following:
    -I dont want to mention my emet, no one at school knows I have it.
    -The trip is actually really cheap so money cant be an excuse.

    Thanks. And please dont convince me to go! I've already gotten better and am recovering from emet, I know my boundaries and I am not willing to cross this one (too hard for me).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Good reason to miss a MANDATORY school trip?

    I went through that. My excuse was always stomach virus.... my worst fear as my excuse. It's a great excuse cause NO ONE wants to catch noro, emetophobic or not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Good reason to miss a MANDATORY school trip?

    I think you should go! Sounds like fun.

    That being said, it's your decision. I don't think that you should lie. Can you just say that you're dealing with anxiety issues and that's just too long to be away? I think anyone would appreciate and respect that. I know I would. Otherwise, I'd just say it's personal and leave it at that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Vancouver, Canada

    Default Re: Good reason to miss a MANDATORY school trip?

    I cant really say SV though, since the trip is in febraury and the form is due next week, lol. So I need something believable.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Good reason to miss a MANDATORY school trip?

    Just say you don't like being away from home that long.
    M I D N I G H T

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Good reason to miss a MANDATORY school trip?

    I would tell them that mandatory or not, I can not handle being away from my home for that long. I have comfort zone issues and a school is not going to make me face that just because they think I need to expand my horizons and learn from whatever the trip is. You don't have to lie or make up an excuse, and you also don't have to tell them you have a phobia, just let them know that you are very uncomfortable with leaving home for four days and that you won't be attending. If I were the teacher or professor of that class, I would respect that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Vancouver, Canada

    Default Re: Good reason to miss a MANDATORY school trip?

    Its actually for an extra curricular activity. I told the leader today that I cant come due to personal reasons. First I get a lecture about not being committed enough, then she handed me over a brochure, that says for every day missed I have to pay a $40 penalty fee per DAY!. Is this even allowed?! I'm freaking out!!



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