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Thread: Relapse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Relapse

    I haven't been on here in what seems like forever and that makes me so happy, and I'm so sad to say that I'm back :(

    Over the summer I was in a relationship and he seem to make all my anxiety disappear and made me completely forget about my phobia. I actually woke up without worrying about getting sick-- a feeling I haven't felt in years!

    Anyway, him and I broke up unfortunately and I moved 2 hours away from home for school in September and since then I feel like I'm falling back into the black hole and it's the worst feeling ever. I call my parents in complete anxiety attacks, I've even driven home at 11 pm (once later than that) because my anxiety was so bad. It's going to affect my school work which makes me even more stressed out :(

    Have any of you had this type of relapse before? How'd you cope with it?

    Also for the lady readers, is there a type of birth control that hasn't made your anxiety worse? I'm currently on the pill and as of right now I'm on the last week of hormonal pills and my anxiety is 20x worse (this happens every month). Sorry if this bit was tmi.. I just need some suggestions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Relapse

    Hi Voctoria! I'm really sorry that you're feeling like you are relapsing. I also had a relapse recently when my bf and I hit a major rough patch... I've been feeling n* and anxious about being s* over and over and it I struggle to not fall back into old patterns. the way I'm dealing with it is by using the techniques that I learned in therapy; deep breathing, and talking to myself. I think things like, "there is no reason for me to be s* right now"; "anxiety is just a temporary feeling, it will go away"... I have also started yoga, which really helps! It allows me some "me time" and being so focused on something else helps take my mind off things.

    Also, I don't know which brand of bc pill you are on, but some can lead to anxious symptoms more than others depending on the person, especially those that are higher in estrogen (like Alesse, Aviane, or Marvelon) from what I've read. I switched to a more progesterone only pill (currently Micronor), and my anxiety/mood swings are all but completely gone! however this one may not be for everyone. Not due to side effects or anything, mostly due to the fact that you have to take it exactly at the same time each day, without exception, or risk pregnancy. Maybe if you try different ones you might see a that your anxiety is lower? Women also tend to get more anxious during their PMS week (the week that seems bothersome for you), so maybe one that helps alleviate PMS symptoms? am not sure which ones they would be brand wise, but your dr. should know!

    Good luck! and hang in there. I know if feels bad right now, but you will find your footing.
    Last edited by carrie_281; 11-19-2013 at 11:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Relapse

    I'm in the exact same spot, my wife and I just split up a couple months ago (biggest heartbreak of my life) and now that I've moved back to my mom's house I've been obsessing just like before she and I got together. I never realized how calm she kept me, I miss that so much. I feel your pain



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