Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Glad I'm not alone!!

    This site is great. For the past year or so whenever I'm about to go through something stressful (powerlifting competition, job interview, first day of school, etc.) I feel like I'm going to throw up, the whole time leading up to the event.

    At first it wasn't really so bad, thought it was just nerves. Until one time I actually threw up in the car driving to an event. After that I really developed a fear of it happening again. That was a year ago, and I never threw up after that, and rarely do (maybe once a year?) but the fear is still there. That's when I realized something was wrong, and this probably wasn't normal. And there's really nobody to talk to about this because it would sound..well..weird..

    I wouldn't consider my self a very anxious person, and this sort of fear only comes up maybe once or twice a month. But I finally did a google search on it and found this site. It makes me feel so much better to see that so many other people have this same problem.

    Does anybody know of any ways to reduce this fear/anxiety of throwing up, whether it be medical, physical, or mental?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: Glad I'm not alone!!

    I've always thought I was the only person to feel this way. As everyone I know seems so unfazed by things. This site is very helpful I think, whenever I feel anxious I come on here and look at some of the threads.

    Personally I've not seeked any professional help as I'm anxious about talking to people about my fear as I feel like I'll be judged like usual.

    Using this site its nice to see of people going through the same thing as me. If you visit your doctor they may be able to help. Good luck



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