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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Scared and a bit anxious....need immediate reassurance!

    We have had a *sv working it's way through our house since Christmas. Yes since CHRISTMAS! My son started *v at 3:30 Christmas morning (thankfully we were DONE playing Santa already) poor kid was miserable, he was sick until roughly 9am. He couldn't even enjoy checking out his new Playstation that he got from Santa! Thankfully he fell asleep, slept for two hours and woke up much better. He was even well enough to go over to my parents and open presents. It was thankfully that short lived, but it was INTENSE while he had it. Two days passed, my daughter starts with her stomach around 2pm Friday afternoon. She was sick from 2:30pm until 12:30am that night. At the same time I was already feeling BLAH, sort of crampy in the gut and a bad headache, thought I was just tired from the stressful holiday, but my stomach started hurting and then I started with *d from about 3:30pm until 3am, it was basically all water every time and at times I was going every 30 mins. or so. So my daughter and I were laying in the bed together feeling generally crummy most of Friday evening and night. I thankfully never *v, but felt really queasy and had ZERO appetite, was just really thirsty so I sipped on flat ginger ale and chewed mint gum which helped that yucky rolling feeling my stomach. We were both sort of weak and tired the next couple days, but like my son once it was over, it was over. I thought everyone was through it, because my husband was out a lot except of course on Christmas whe my son was sick. My dad came down with the bug early yesterday and had bad *d and aches and a low fever. My little sister (who has a really bad immune system due to Crohn's) also had it, but she had the *v and the *d (but the doctor also thinks she has a kidney and UTI infection which could account for her *v). My mom was sick last night with just *v, but no *d. NOW my husband who I thought escaped it, came home today with *d and has *v twice since he got home. He is asleep now and hasn't *v in roughly two hours, but I need reassurance that we aren't likely to get this bug again....I cannot STAND the thought of it going through the house again. My stomach is all in knots and I'm questioning whether I had the bug or not, I felt really crappy and the *d was pretty significant for nearly 12 hours...do you think we are okay??? I'm still cleaning up after him like crazy, running around the bathroom with a spray bottle of mix bleach and warm water cleaning up the bucket he used and the toilet and sink. I'm washing everything he wore and used and have sprayed the rest of the upstairs with Clorox disinfectant spray. So what do you all think????? Need reassurance please. This holiday has just SUCKED so bad with this D&^N bug nearly RUINING Christmas and NOW New Years!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Scared and a bit anxious....need immediate reassurance!

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I have been there and understand. Breathe. You have done and are doing all you can. Know that you are not alone.

    QUOTE=kthomas629;500042]We have had a *sv working it's way through our house since Christmas. Yes since CHRISTMAS! My son started *v at 3:30 Christmas morning (thankfully we were DONE playing Santa already) poor kid was miserable, he was sick until roughly 9am. He couldn't even enjoy checking out his new Playstation that he got from Santa! Thankfully he fell asleep, slept for two hours and woke up much better. He was even well enough to go over to my parents and open presents. It was thankfully that short lived, but it was INTENSE while he had it. Two days passed, my daughter starts with her stomach around 2pm Friday afternoon. She was sick from 2:30pm until 12:30am that night. At the same time I was already feeling BLAH, sort of crampy in the gut and a bad headache, thought I was just tired from the stressful holiday, but my stomach started hurting and then I started with *d from about 3:30pm until 3am, it was basically all water every time and at times I was going every 30 mins. or so. So my daughter and I were laying in the bed together feeling generally crummy most of Friday evening and night. I thankfully never *v, but felt really queasy and had ZERO appetite, was just really thirsty so I sipped on flat ginger ale and chewed mint gum which helped that yucky rolling feeling my stomach. We were both sort of weak and tired the next couple days, but like my son once it was over, it was over. I thought everyone was through it, because my husband was out a lot except of course on Christmas whe my son was sick. My dad came down with the bug early yesterday and had bad *d and aches and a low fever. My little sister (who has a really bad immune system due to Crohn's) also had it, but she had the *v and the *d (but the doctor also thinks she has a kidney and UTI infection which could account for her *v). My mom was sick last night with just *v, but no *d. NOW my husband who I thought escaped it, came home today with *d and has *v twice since he got home. He is asleep now and hasn't *v in roughly two hours, but I need reassurance that we aren't likely to get this bug again....I cannot STAND the thought of it going through the house again. My stomach is all in knots and I'm questioning whether I had the bug or not, I felt really crappy and the *d was pretty significant for nearly 12 hours...do you think we are okay??? I'm still cleaning up after him like crazy, running around the bathroom with a spray bottle of mix bleach and warm water cleaning up the bucket he used and the toilet and sink. I'm washing everything he wore and used and have sprayed the rest of the upstairs with Clorox disinfectant spray. So what do you all think????? Need reassurance please. This holiday has just SUCKED so bad with this D&^N bug nearly RUINING Christmas and NOW New Years![/QUOTE]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Scared and a bit anxious....need immediate reassurance!

    Thankfully once you've had it you're immune to it for approx 3-4 months. So you can relax knowing that you're done for quite a while, most likely the rest of this season. So sorry you were all sick for Christmas! That's really too bad.



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