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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Now I'm second guessing

    Now I have no clue if my daughter and I had noro or not. My husband (who looked after my daughter when she was sick), my 5 year old and my 7 month old haven't caught anything at all, and it has been almost 72 hrs.
    My symptoms were water d*, body aches and extreme stomach pain (bad aching) to the point I had to walk hunched over. Also, nausea....almost v*'d twice. It lasted for about 12 hrs, and then I just turned a corner and started craving ice cold water or gingerale.
    My daughter ate a great dinner and went to bed feeling fine. She woke up at 11pm v*'ing out of nowhere. She complained of a very sore tummy, and v*'d 5 times through the night. Sore tummy off and on the next day, but by the next afternoon she was pretty much back to normal.

    My husband cleaned all the bathrooms with a bleach solution, and changed all the sheets. I stayed in the basement the whole time I was sick, and my husband kept our daughter in bed with him and used our ensuite.

    Does this sound like noro? Or food poisoning? She and I had had a sub from the same place the previous day - she and I had cheese on ours, and my 5 y/o didn't....that was the only difference. I was hoping it was noro so I could relax for a while about getting it....but now I'm afraid it was just something else and I'll catch noro when my 5 y/o brings it home from school.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Now I'm second guessing

    I'd say it was Noro. Sounds like your hubby did a fabulous job of cleaning up! Food poisoning is really violent when it's actually TRUE fp* (bacteria). Most people call Noro fp*, as I'm sure you know. I think you're in the clear for the rest of the season!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    United States

    Default Re: Now I'm second guessing

    I think you got off wiith a mild-moderate case of noro, your daughter had it much worse. Your husband and other kid were really lucky, but it's not unusual for it to only infect 50-75% of the people who are properly exposed, in fact you could look at some of the live virus challenge studies in the control groups, and that would give you an idea of what ratio you might expect. Usually it's 60-80%, sometimes less, not usually everybody.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Now I'm second guessing

    If they don't get it, this is the first year that we haven't all gotten it within days of eachother.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Southeast USA

    Default Re: Now I'm second guessing

    My siblings caught stomach bugs more than I ever did, but I can't honestly recall a time when I caught it from them. I have caught colds from them and pink eye got spread around between my brother, mother, and sister, but really never caught anything from them. I also shared a room with my sister growing up. My mom caught like one of my stomach bugs and my brother caught one or two of ours, but overall, the whole family coming down with it from each other did not happen. Colds were another story and still are, lol. My mom used lysol and other cleaning supplies to try and kill off any bug spread and it seemed to work. She's not emetophobic at all. She just is like any normal person and hates being sick and hates her children being sick.
    So, my point is that just because two of you were sick and no one else was does not mean you didn't have a stomach virus. I suppose you can get sick from eating cheese, but it's not that common, so I highly doubt it was food poisoning unless it was noro transmitted food poisoning. Glad everyone is okay now and good for your husband to sanitize things to stop the sickness spread. Him being near her doesn't mean he was going to get ill. If so, my parents would have been each time we ever came down sick, but they were not.
    "And though she be but little, she is fierce"~Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Now I'm second guessing

    It sounds like your husband is quite a housekeeper and just managed to stop the spread. Good job Erin's hubby!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Now I'm second guessing

    He is awesome when it comes to the girls being sick. I instruct him on how to clean properly, and he is so thorough. He's not emet what so ever, but he respects that I am, and he tries his best to clean really well. I'm so thankful for him!



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