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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Kind of Panicing

    So, my sister was going out for New Years Eve tonight to her friends house for a sleepover, and her other friend that was going came to wait at our house so they could just all be picked up together and go to the friend's house. After about an hour of hanging out here, I found out my sister's friend was sick on Christmas :/ I don't know with what, but I didn't ask since she wasn't my friend and it seemed kind of odd to ask her. I don't want to assume the worst, but I don't want to be unprepared for anything either. Assuming worst case scenario (sv*) I'm freaking out for different reasons. I feel like I should disinfect the stuff everyone was touching and I'm worried about my sister bringing something back too. I don't know if my family even has bleach anywhere in the house to use to help it. Close to a week later, how risky is it to be around someone who's been sick? I know my sister isn't careful at all and the other parents don't seem concerned or anything either. I'm the only one focusing on it :/ I don't know what I can do for any of this.
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South Carolina, United States

    Default Re: Kind of Panicing

    Do you have any Lysol (brand III) ? This kills the noro along with the flu (if that is what she had) Just spray everywhere she was. There is a nasty sv going around here but there is also a flu that has v* with it. So I am cleaning everything I can. I went shopping yesterday morning and bought the alcohol free sparkling grape juice. after the cashier checked me out she grabbed her stomach and ran to the restroom. I sprayed the bottles with my Lysol as soon as I got to my car! (Yes I keep a can in the car) Still paranoid about touching them though. I just have to have faith that I killed anything on the bottles.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Kind of Panicing

    Yes, I have a little left of it. I sprayed it all over the entire room and everything, but I never went back in there that night. I sprayed but I still tend to doubt it so I stocked p on medicine and everything to pretty much accept it could happen. Especially with my sister with her so long.
    I keep Clorox with me all the time, even though it's not for the sv*, until I find the travel Lysols or something so it's not a problem bringing it into work or anything.
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South Carolina, United States

    Default Re: Kind of Panicing

    I have found the travel size Lysol at our Walgreens Pharmacy. They are in the "travel section" isle. They aren't very cheap but totally worth it. I have taken a full size can to my office and I keep one in my car. I keep the travel size in my purse incase I HAVE to use a public restroom. The really scary part is that the restroom at my office is a "public" restroom... all the customers use it.



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