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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    Hello! I'm Nikki. I've been emetophobic for quite a long time -- I'm not sure of the exact age, but I would say around 2003 is when it started (I was nine at the time). I have GAD on top of that, and I think my anxiety manifests itself in this phobia. But, who knows lol. When I started high school my phobia was mostly "in remission" and stayed that way until these last few months, which for some reason have been absolutely horrific. I've never been one to be agoraphobic, but lately I've been scared of attending my classes and visiting family. Not to mention annoying the hell out of my boyfriend by making him constantly wash his hands. I wake up almost every night feeling sick and am averaging about 4 hours a night, if that. I've lost twelve pounds in a month due to this, and I'm sick of it controlling my life. So, I figured while I find a therapist in the area to work with me, I could join this forum that I've been visiting for so long and help others like me. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone, as I'm sure it is for others, too.

    On a more personal note, I'm a huge Star Wars fan (amongst many other fandoms I'm a part of) and a student studying to be an English and Political Science teacher. My favorite thing in the world to study is pregnancy, and my dream job would be to be an OB/GYN. I also love acting and singing and once had aspirations to be an actress, but I'm truly meant to be a teacher. Anyway, I'm glad I finally joined and am excited to help others like me.

    And so this post isn't totally an introduction... Tell me your favorite go-to remedy for feeling anxiety. When I feel sick and anxious, I love to stand in front of a fan and drink cool water while reading negative reviews on things I already hate online... Weird, but a cure nonetheless!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    Strangely enough, my go-to remedy is having someone around that I trust, which is basically just my mom, my step dad, and my boyfriend (sometimes my best friend but he isn't around very much.) I don't want them to say anything, or help me with anything (unless my dog needs taken out, for instance), but just having them in the room makes me feel better, even if they're sleeping. My boyfriend is really good at this. He will sit there in silence for hours while I pace around, panic, etc. Eventually I'll sit down on a cold floor and he'll move closer to me. By now he knows what not to do, too, like bringing a trash can anywhere near me. xD

    Watching TV, too. I feel best when I'm not thinking about it. Or, on the other hand, I have to be thinking TOTALLY about it. I come on here and read about other people going through the same thing, and that makes me feel better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    Hey! My name is Nikki too!

    My favorite cure is to play games on my iPhones and sit on a bed (or if I'm in public, a bathroom stall). Usually I'll play games like Tiny Wings or Temple Run since they go pretty fast paced and you need to keep your mind on it, which distracts me from the panic. Or I'll try to sleep while listening to loud music and daydreaming and thinking. Anything to keep me from thinking about how I feel works better for me. Sometimes I feel better when I unplug from a screen as it takes the strain off my eyes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    Hello Nikki! That is a very pretty name, by the way! For relaxation when I'm feeling sick or if I am having a panic attack I take baths with soothing bath salts and bubble bath. They work absolute wonders! Just bring in a good book, or maybe even your phone or laptop, if you're sure you aren't going to drop it, and just occupy yourself with something funny, or happy, and try to focus on your breathing! I really hope you found this helpful!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    Quote Originally Posted by beargoddess View Post
    Hello Nikki! That is a very pretty name, by the way! For relaxation when I'm feeling sick or if I am having a panic attack I take baths with soothing bath salts and bubble bath. They work absolute wonders! Just bring in a good book, or maybe even your phone or laptop, if you're sure you aren't going to drop it, and just occupy yourself with something funny, or happy, and try to focus on your breathing! I really hope you found this helpful!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    Deep breathing, taking a walk around the block (unless its really hot out--then I'll just feel worse), playing Candy Crush or Minesweeper, any sort of repetitive game like that. If I wake up in the middle of the night feeling anxious, I snuggle closer to my bf and imagine happy things like being on a beach in Hawaii. And focus on breathing until it passes and I fall asleep again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    Am literally the exact same as you. I had this when I was 11.. 8 years ago, well 9 this year and a few months ago it came on again to me aswel! & am exact same with agrophobia now!

    hand on your chest and conserntrsting on your breathing. I do the fan thing aswel.
    Breathe in and out your nose.
    Also using a bag helps the symptoms of panic and calms you quicker! Or into cupped hands works too as equals the levels of
    oxygen in your brain so you don't feel s* or dizzy it slows them symptoms down supposedly!

    Need to chat feel free to PM me your email address and I will email you sounds like we are in
    same position!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    That sounds exactly like me! I've had a fear of vomiting since about 2006 or 8th grade and once I got to 9th grade it got much better. I'm 20 and I just recovered from the stomach flu and now it's back in full swing, I had to move back with my parents and got fired from work because I took too many sick days. I'm a mess but I need to get better. My go to anxiety remedy is drinking sips of water and watch tv or youtube videos. Not too effective though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Newwwwb! Tell me your go-to anxiety remedy.

    I like watching my favourite shows, like Arthur, Littlest Pet Shop, and Scrubs. I put a bunch of the episodes of LPS on my ipod so even when I go out I can take a moment to sit down and watch some of it. I also love reading. They're all great distractions to your fear.



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