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Thread: Ahhhh!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Ahhhh!!

    My youngest daughter is in grade 1. Friday she came home and said a girl v* on the floor in class. Then today she came home and said another girl did today. What makes me so mad is there is a bathroom in the classroom and they both v* on the floor ugh. I don't even want to send her back to school this week but I have too. Please summer come quick!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Ahhhh!!

    I threw up on the floor of my classroom in first grade! I remember not feeling right and then boom! That's how it is with little kids. You really can't blame them. They don't understand their bodies enough to know when they are going to be sick most of the time. That being said, most kids in the class aren't going to catch it and there's a good chance that your daughter will be one who avoids it! Remind her to wash her hands and try your best not to worry. The winter 'peak' is over with and now we're moving towards spring!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Ahhhh!!

    I sent a bottle of Germstar Noro to school with her a few weeks back and she's been keeping it on her desk. She said don't worry mom I use my sanitizer lol. I just can't wait for summer break and no germy school.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Ahhhh!!

    When I was in the first grade I threw up on the teacher's desk. Yep. I had no idea it was coming and it just kind of happened.

    However my friend works in a preschool and a kid threw up on the floor, they cleaned it up with water, and then kids sat there later and the next day 12 kids were absent. Seriously?! People that work in schools should know how to clean up vomit. When I was in elementary school they used to clear us out of the classroom and clean with chemicals!

    Sounds like your daughter keeps up on her hygiene (great for a first grader!!) and hopefully her school knows how to clean as well I think you'll both be ok.
    M I D N I G H T

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Ahhhh!!

    Ok so now I'm mad at the kids parents. They sent this kid back to school today and she v* again in class!! She was still sick but they sent her to school ugh. The teacher told me they are disinfecting the classrooms extra starting this week cause of the bad flu outbreak thank god. At least this time the girl made it to the trash can and not on the floor.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Southeast USA

    Default Re: Ahhhh!!

    Eh...it happens. Little children do that. They don't mean to. When I observed a first grade classroom once, there was a girl in the bathroom that was in the classroom when I got there. Teacher was reading to the other children on the carpet. She sent one student to check on the girl and talked to me. I left a paper she wanted in my car, so left to get it, got halfway down the stairs and realized I left my keys in my purse under the teacher's desk. When I went back in, the girl was at her desk, but she was upset for some reason. I didn't think anything of it, grabbed my keys, told the office I had to run out real fast and would be right back. So, I went out to the parking lot, found the paper, went back in and as I entered the school, I heard a student come out of the stairwell and say someone puked upstairs. At that time, I see the janitor come to the stairwell with his powder and mop. I went to the office and saw the girl from the classroom lying on a bed in the nurse's office looking miserable and with a trashcan by her head, so I knew immediately she was the one who'd thrown up. Poor thing. Two days later, when I came back to the school, she was back in school and back her normal, bubbly self. I believe it likely happened right as I exited the building, no joke, so I missed seeing the vomit thankfully. It was also at that point I realized that I could not be a school teacher right now. One day, but at that time my phobia was too strong. It has been weakening, so maybe in a couple years I will go back and try to be a teacher again as it is what I really want to do.
    All that said to say, little children get sick. It happens. They don't mean to. Sometimes it just hits fast for them. They also don't always know the exact feeling that they are going to vomit now, go to the bathroom quick. Sometimes teachers are strict and they are scared to ask to go or feel they will be annoying or the teacher won't believe them if they say they feel sick.
    Ever read the book Ramona Quimby, Age 8/ If not, I totally recommend it. It talks about this very issue.
    "And though she be but little, she is fierce"~Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream



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