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Thread: Night time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Question Night time

    As I'm sat here freaking out (again) worrying about getting sick I realised what is it about night times that makes me so worked up? Why do I dread going to sleep and why do I 'worry' about getting ill during the night? For me I think it's the fact I'm confined I can't get up and walk around to distract myself I can't seem to go for walks if I'm scared because it dark and dodgy to go out walking in your own. So I feel trapped. Also most sv stories I hear start with 'I just woke up in the night at 3am and started v*' so I I always have in my head that!
    what do you do? Why are you so scared if not what helped you?
    Also I wondered do any of have a 'safe' time okie for me if I reach 04:30a, and haven't been I'll or got worse I should be ok and by 6 I'm ready to go.
    Would love to hear you thoughts on this...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Night time

    I'm honestly exactly the same. I always get worse during the night, mostly because I often got sick during the night when I used to get sick. I always used to wake up early and get ill then; but it usually depends on my anxiety levels. Like, in December my anxiety was super high so I felt more sick at night and got all the more anxious. Last month though with lower general anxiety, the fear and the feelings went away for the most part,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Night time

    I think I get more worried at night for a few reasons, the main one being that I fear waking up nauseated. There’s also a lot less going on to distract us. Having my boyfriend living with me certainly helps, but not when he’s sleeping. I just am terrified of waking up and suddenly knowing I need to v*, which is weird, because only once or twice has that ever happened to me in my lifetime!

    I’ve had to take Xanax before to fall asleep, but lately I’ve had a lot of luck with reading a book or playing a game right before I go to sleep. Literally, right before. Many don’t recommend that, as in most it causes insomnia, but for me it keeps my mind off of potentially being sick and on what I was just concentrating on.

    I also have a safe-time, and it’s whenever the sun comes up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Night time

    Been there, still going through it infact. Woke up Christmas morning in full blown panic at 4am. Happened a few other times too til I realised my sleeping posture was one of the problems. Lying flat on your back causes the tounge to relax and cut off air flow in deep sleep just enough to wake you up. Try sleeping on your side if that's your situation. Even now I dread the thought of going to bed because I fear the panic and everything else that goes with it. Hope this has helped shed light on anything.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Night time

    I absolutely love the night time and my fear is no more pronounced at night then any other time. For me I feel safe at home, I don't have to go anywhere, don't have to go to work and I can do as I please, in my house, with my things around me that only In have touched. I just love it. I see on here a lot of people hate the night time but I embrace it as 'my time'.

    Also, with social media and this being an international forum there is always someone awake and willing to chat, you are never really truly alone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Night time

    Oh, and bizarrely, just before Christmas I did wake up at 3 am and was hit by the dreaded noro, and do you know what I thought.... thank goodness I am at home, I can deal with this better here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Dunedin, NZ

    Default Re: Night time

    I have thought about this topic alot recently. I am terrified of night and the anxiety begins around 3pm each day . The root of the problem is that 'it' usually happens at night and because of nighr I feel very alone and afraid of night. As yousaid, if I was able to go outside and walk without risk I'd cope better. ★
    Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Night time

    My anxiety is definitely worse at night. The last time I v* was first thing in the morning. I felt "off" as soon as I woke up and it happened. I also have memories of v* in the middle of the night as a child, but why does it tend to happen at night? I don't understand and I'm defenseless at night when I'm sleeping.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Night time

    My anxiety is definitely worse at evening/night. Because, I almost always woke up in the middle of the night to v when I've been ill with noro, and same goes for my brother. So it kinda feel 'safe' for me to go bed after 2-3am, probably cos thats usually when it happened.
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Paris, France.

    Default Re: Night time

    Good question, i was about to post a thread regarding this subject actually...
    Like a lot of people here, my reasons are the same : Because, most of the time, IT happened right in the middle of the night.
    That´s why i only sleep like 4 or 5 hours every night since i was 7 or 8 years old and i'm 27 now...
    And in my case, at night, there's nobody to talk to when i feel really bad... Luckily, we have this website.

    Like we say here : Bonne nuit !
    Le Paroxysme de la Tranquilité.

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Default Re: Night time

    Great answers guys nice to know I'm not the only one. For me it's if I sleep but I keep waking up cause I think 'what's my body trying to tell me'
    id love to know why most v* happens at night someone once told me it's cause your body is trying to digest all the food and process it whilst you are asleep and then realises it's not well will v* If needs be.

    i think I'd cope better if I lived on my own. I hate the idea of people hearing me or seeing me but of there was no one around then if be better cause I can do it in private.
    but it's hard because I actually hate being lonely normally
    i never seem to find someone online either?



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