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  1. #1

    Default Husband SICK and I'm TERRIFIED

    It started last night, he got nauseous then it went away, then came back. several hours later at 2am, he v'd. He felt great for a little while after but then it kept happening until 6am. I stayed home from work today to take care of him, but deep down I am TERRIFIED I will get it. I slept on the couch, haven't touched him.... I did have to use the same bathroom as him, but I used a clean sheet of toilet paper to touch whatever parts of the toilet I had to. And I washed my hands in the kitchen sink which he hadn't used. I bleached the bathroom with rubber gloves on and haven't touched him since! BUT STILL, I AM SO SCARED.

    I've been an elementary school teacher for 5 years and have been healthier this year than most, so I'm hoping my immunity is stronger than his and I will be able to fight it off.

    but what if don't and I get sick??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Husband SICK and I'm TERRIFIED

    You are a good wife to stay home with him. I'd have thrown gatorade at him and ran away....you are doing most everything you can. I'd keep gloves and just wash hands a lot. Poor guy It may be fp and not a bug but obviously be careful in case it is a bug. If it is, you would know pretty soon (ie today or tomorrow). just make sure he is washing his hands a lot and move your toothbrush away from his. In fact, get a new one. And toothpaste. And when he is better, replace stuff. I keep extras handy for this reason. otherwise, not much you can do. HUGS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Husband SICK and I'm TERRIFIED

    We can't live our lives focused on the 'what if's. We all do it and it's what causes our anxiety. IF you get it you will be fine. But you're not going to. I really don't think that you are!!!! You have done great. My friend's son had it last week and we're certain it was a virus as his entire class has come down with it over the last few weeks. Anyway, he got sick in the same room as his sister, threw his bedding (with v* ON IT ) over their stair railing and got it everywhere, continued to get sick in rooms with his siblings (4 in total), plus his mom is SUPER relaxed and not anxious so I told her to prepare as they were all going to get it. Newsflash, they didn't. Your story is NOTHING like that. You're safe, healthy and 100% fine!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Husband SICK and I'm TERRIFIED

    My bf got something last year and I never caught it. He v* in the downstairs bathroom when he first got home but I made him stay upstairs after that. I did the exact things you did. I slept on the couch, bleached the bathroom but continued not to touch it with my bare hands, put gloves and a mask on before I brought him anything, and made him bleach the upstairs bathroom before I went back in there. I think you'll be fine, just wash the bedding on hot and maybe open the bedroom window to air it out after he's feeling better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Virginia Beach, Va.

    Default Re: Husband SICK and I'm TERRIFIED

    Just checking to see how you and your husband are feeling? Hopefully he is feeling better and that you are holding together! In addition to the other things you are doing, it wouldn't hurt to take some Airborne. Make sure you are resting and still eating and drinking. (even if it is bland foods, you need to continue to eat! Don't feed a sick person when you are still a well person!) The stronger your body is the better. Try and relax as much as you can because stress does effect your immune system. You have done a great job by taking care of him! =)
    Kimberly Michelle~
    "You cannot find peace by avoiding life." ~ Virginia Woolf

  6. #6

    Default Re: Husband SICK and I'm TERRIFIED

    Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words..... So far, I haven't gotten it! It's been about 30 hours since husband stated showing symptoms. He too is starting to feel better.... Yesterday was hard- his nausea was better but he didn't get out of bed due to aches and chills. I'm off to work this morning and praying for a healthy next 24 hours!!!!



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