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Thread: Not again :(((

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Exclamation Not again :(((

    Hi guys so bear with me,
    I thought I was doing ok I'd overcome the terrible panic and was avoiding using this well during the day at least but I seem to have let my guard down and boom I've been hit
    Been hungry so I've eaten today and even felt brave and had a fear food Thai green chicken curry for tea. I felt sleepy so feel asleep but been woken just over 40 mins ago with this weird pain and it's sent me straight into shaking like a leaf panic.
    its a pain that isn't like a cramp but more of a dull ache in my mid to lower back it then transfers to my abdomen and kind of in a wave comes as an sort of pain then goes. It stays in my back though could it be wind?
    Now I've not had d*but just had a loose one but have felt like I need it and infact it almost feels like a wind pain maybe please someone say it is. I feel nausea but I'm insure as to whether that's anxiety or actually I have a tummy bug because last time this is what it started with last time this pain
    I just wish I never very ate now because I'm going to be ill for a long time if I am
    Please just someone help does it sound like a sv????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    hmm i still am convinced its anxiety. Try and relax and put a hot water bottle on your stomach/lay on it on your back and see if that helps at all. Well dont for eating, and try to drink tea or water. keep us posted
    May your dreams be bigger than your fears

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    I hope it is anxiety I've been so diligent in handwasshing and everything. I've taken the max I can for domperidone so will have to ride it out now if I have got it just sucks because I hate the fear has this grip!
    The pain is still there in waves-maybe it is just a sore back but I'm freaking out with anxiety and it's making it worse? I can get a hot water bottle as my mum would hear me get up and come tell me off how are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    Also gurgling badly has started this doesn't look good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    How old are you then?? And, try and just do it anyway, im sure she wont toally kill you just say you got cold
    May your dreams be bigger than your fears

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    I'm 22-not that old haha ahh she would I just tried there and hear her mumble something darnitx x x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    Awww! Do you feel any different now its been a while?
    May your dreams be bigger than your fears

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    Erm I don't feel dramatically worse I guess but I still keep getting this achey pains every now and again. Still in my tummy a little bit but haven't had d* spooking myself by readimg people's experience with getting noro and one I almost match word for word. I'm hoping it's not the beginning of something worse

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    heyy, how are you today? Hope your're ok and feeling better!
    May your dreams be bigger than your fears

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Philadelphia, PA

    Default Re: Not again :(((

    Definitely not noro, it was probably the spices in the indian food!

    "Look for love and evidence that you're worth keeping." PJ



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