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  1. #1

    Default Can having nicotine in your system make you v* if you're not a smoker?

    Today while at the mall I decided to buy myself a vape pen for flavored hookah oils. I find that having it while on the computer keeps me from going to the fridge to snack between tasks. The oil I use is nicotineless, as I do not smoke cigarettes and only wanted it for the flavor. The kit I bought came with a free flavored oil and I got to sample some of the flavors before choosing mine. Well, after tasting 3 or 4 flavors, the man informed me that the oils they use for testing are the ones that have nicotine in them. Since I am not a smoker, the nicotine in my system is now making me feel steadily increasingly n* and I'm getting worried that I might v*. Help. :c

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: Can having nicotine in your system make you v* if you're not a smoker?

    You would have v* sooner after the nicotine actually got in your system. Right now you're probably feeling a rather unpleasant nicotine buzz along with the symptoms typically associated with nicotine leaving your system. Drink lots and lots of water and take an ibuprofen and you should be fine. I quit smoking over three years ago and that first day the n* was almost unbearable, but I never v*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Can having nicotine in your system make you v* if you're not a smoker?

    it's a buzz. if I don't dmoke for a while and take a few puffs I feel gross.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Can having nicotine in your system make you v* if you're not a smoker?

    Yeah, just a buzz. I got an electronic cigarette last spring and one day puffed way too much and felt really jittery.
    M I D N I G H T



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