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Thread: Emet Quirks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Emet Quirks

    One thing I've noticed since I first learned such a thing as emetophobia even exists is that everyone has difference levels of phobia, different triggers, different little quirks. I know one of my little quirks is that I try and take notice the stock of Pepto Bismol and Pedialyte at the grocery store. If it looks like a lot are missing from the shelves, I assume a nasty sv* is going around. Nearly every time my husband goes to the bathroom, I ask him if he's okay. If someone leaves their pew in church, I wonder if they're going to v* and then try and mull over in my mind if I shook their hand or not. Every day my husband is at work, I worry that he'll come home early and he'll be ill. When Swine Flu first arrived on the scene and it was the main news story every single day for the first year, I remember being less worried that "OMG it's new and it's a pandemic and it kills healthy people!" and more terrified by the finding that, "this strain of influenza appears to have more of an affect on the gastrointestinal tract and we're seeing more d* and v* than with other strains." I chose to home school my son and don't work outside the home, just to limit our overall household exposure. During flu and Noro season, I don't even let my son go to church. He stays with my grandmother on Sunday mornings. It got to the point where when he comes back, people are like, "I didn't even know you had children!".

    The worst one, though, is that I have a really difficult time letting my stepson visit. He lives in another state, so my husband hardly sees him in the first place. But he comes and visits for a week in the summer. Granted, I know sv* are not as bad in the summer, but he gets something that causes him to v* about once every three or four months, because his mother isn't very clean and they eat out every single day. So he picks up bugs at restaurants, and whatnot. I spend the entire week he's here panicking. Last time he was here, the last day of his visit, he kept complaining about feeling very n* and headachy. I couldn't wait for him to get on the plane the next morning. I hate that. I hate wishing I could tell my husband, "by the way, your kid can't visit." I didn't want my husband to go to his own uncle's funeral, because there was a potluck afterward and he was expected to go, because he was a pallbearer.

    If I'm at the pharmacy and I see a dark stain on the carpet, I wonder if someone tu* there. I'm terrified I'm going to make something that will give my family fp*. Funny story about that, actually. When my sister was pregnant I threw her a baby shower. I asked her what sort of refreshments she wanted and she said, "I want two things - chocolate cupcakes and buffalo wings". So that morning I made up a huge batch of wings and put them in a slow cooker to take to the baby shower. I had it at the fellowship hall of a local church and I had no idea that, for safety purposes, they had a timer on the outlet I plugged the slow cooker into. Because I didn't turn the timer dial, the outlet never even came on, so those wings sat there all day at room temperature. The guys showed up at the end to load up the gifts and take them to my sister's house while my mom and I cleaned up. I got home and my husband said, "wow, those wings were awesome! Me, G (my son) and your dad ate what was left. Were those Aldi brand?" I about lost it. I screamed, "THOSE WERE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE ALL DAY!!!" He shrugged and said, "well, I feel fine." Thank God nothing came of it, but I was on edge for three days after that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    United States

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    Thank you for sharing. My emet quirks are I barley touch doorknobs. I usually use my shirt or jacket or my rearend to open doors. I breathe with my closed all the time whenever I am in stores or schools or pretty much anywhere. I carry clorox wipes in my purse and I wipe down my car several times a week. I wash and sanitize my hands (and my kids) all the time. Whenever I come back from anywhere I wash with the hottest water I can stand. I clean my house several times a week using bleach and Clorox wipes and air sanitize. Whenever someone is sick in my house I go into overdrive wiping, spraying everything I can. I isolate my family from the sick one and open all windows (even in the winter).

    I don't go out to eat very much. If I do I usually eat bread or chips and drink ice water. Sadly it hasn;t helped me loose weight. I don't visit my kids at school unless I have to pick them up. I don't go on field trips with my kids either. I do go to church regularly and love it but usually spend alot of the time obsessing about if anyone is sick and if they have used the bathrooms. One time one lady was sick at church and I watched her go to the bathroom and I told my daughter to use the other bathrooms. I worry and obsess all the time especially this time of the year. I like facebook but even someone posts about their sick kids I begin to worry for days about it. I count mentally how many days when someone is sick and when we are in the clear. Anytime I go anywhere I mark it so I can count how many days it is safe to relax and not worry about getting sick.

    I hardly ever eat meat. When I do I usually wait until my hubby eats it first to make sure its ok ( he doesn't mind). I eat mostly breads and pastas because I know they are pretty safe. I slowly over the past few years have allowed myself meat but than I get so worried my stomach gets worked up so than I think it is tainted and I end up relapsing. It has been a very hard 10 years. In and out of hospitals on and off meds. I was watching a movie a week ago about a woman who had cancer so bad she couldn't be treated it was to late, and I found myself envying her. Wishing I had terminal cancer too.

    Thank you again for writing this thread it is sobering to see the effects emet has on all of our lives.
    psalm 139
    we are fearfully and wonderfully made

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    I also assume the worst if I see a stain on the carpet or a spill on the floor. I don't have children, nor am I around them very much (I have no siblings, and I'm young enough that my friends don't have children yet). Whenever I'm around co-workers with children, I always ask about their children to see if one of them has gotten sick recently.

    In regards to work, I use my sleeve or elbow to touch or open doors whenever I can. I spray my car steering wheel and gear shift with Lysol spray. I wipe my laptop bottom and keyboard down with Clorox pre-diluted bleach everyday when I get home. Then I clean off my cell phone with bleach. I use zylast hand sanitizer all day, but I wash my hands a LOT when I get home.

    When people tease me about frequent hand-washing, I say, "is it really such a bad thing to wash your hands again?"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    I'm glad I'm not the only one ! I agree with carpet stains as well I always assume the worst. I wear gloves to touch door handles at school and the grocery cart. Eating out is extremely rough. Also since I'm at school all day I keep my cell phone in a snack bag and push it out the bag a certain way when I get home, that way I know it's clean. Everyone thinks its different but for me it's a normal everyday routine.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2014

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    I'm funny about my cell phone as well, Dolly. I've never thought to cover it, but it gets sprayed and wiped down with Lysol III at the end of the day. It's usually the last thing I touch before bed (I set the alarm) so I don't want to risk touching a nasty phone then touch my face in my sleep. Another one of my quirks, that I just thought of, is I'm always checking the color of my lips. I remember I got s* when I was about fourteen and before I v* my mom asked me if I was alright, because my "lips were white". Back in December I caught the H1N1 flu and felt horribly n* and I remember one of my half coherent trips to the bathroom to pee I caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror and about fainted, because my lips were pale LOL I hadn't eaten in three days, it was no wonder, but that teenage memory came flooding back and it freaked me out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    I have a ton of them but was curious if anyone else gets anxious if they see a car pulled off to the side of the road, especially if one door is standing open? I always turn my face away when I drive by but can't help looking back in the rear view mirror once I pass, trying to see what's going on.
    One time I did look over and a man suddenly leaned out his door. I'm assuming he TU but because i looked away quickly I didn't actually see anything. Stupid thing was I kept flashing back to it all day long and for several days afterwards.
    “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
    ― John Milton, Paradise Lost

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    Quote Originally Posted by jmoore10 View Post
    I have a ton of them but was curious if anyone else gets anxious if they see a car pulled off to the side of the road, especially if one door is standing open?
    Oh my gosh, are we sisters from another mister?! My phobia of that stems from the day I was driving down the interstate and a man was parked in the emergency lane projectile v* into the road. I about fainted! I also panic if I'm sitting at a red light and the person in front of me opens their door. Usually they're spitting (tobacco users). I've seen people brush their teeth in the car and the open the door and spit, but I'm always panicked that one time they're going to open the door and v* and I'm going to have to drive past it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    Quote Originally Posted by mrsjacks View Post
    I'm funny about my cell phone as well, Dolly. I've never thought to cover it, but it gets sprayed and wiped down with Lysol III at the end of the day. It's usually the last thing I touch before bed (I set the alarm) so I don't want to risk touching a nasty phone then touch my face in my sleep. Another one of my quirks, that I just thought of, is I'm always checking the color of my lips. I remember I got s* when I was about fourteen and before I v* my mom asked me if I was alright, because my "lips were white". Back in December I caught the H1N1 flu and felt horribly n* and I remember one of my half coherent trips to the bathroom to pee I caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror and about fainted, because my lips were pale LOL I hadn't eaten in three days, it was no wonder, but that teenage memory came flooding back and it freaked me out.
    I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who wipes down her phone with Lysol I don't do it every night, only if I freaked out over a possible exposure and then touched my phone, but I almost always wash my hands after handling it and after setting the alarm.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Emet Quirks

    Oh my, I must be another sister. I have seen quite a few people puking on the side of the road. I can't seem to help but wonder why they are pulled over and look. About a year ago I saw traffic stopped on the other side of the road. I see a lady out of her car standing in a corn field puking. Ewww. She stopped her car in the middle of the road to get out and puke.

    I am someone who brushes their teeth in the car when I am on vacation. I gag when brushing my teeth on most days. When I am at a hotel, I feel the different water, sink that may not be totally clean (Ok with own mess, but other's mess freak me out), I just can't brush my teeth in a hotel sink. I find it easier to do it in the car with bottled water. I try to make sure no one is looking.

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