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  1. #1

    Default Going home tomorrow but not before....

    Morning friends..... Well I am here feeling like a big piece of garbage but I'm here.... Here's the update.... I am gonna be ok... I now will replace my antiemetics to heart medication daily, but I will b ok and with time the havoc I wreaked on my body can be reversed. I am luck that I went for my exam because I really could have killed myself.... I have none of my crutch drugs (well my fiancé has them for the next step of the process). I was kinda loopy for the last 2 days to keep my anxiety at bay but I am ok so far today so NO loopy meds today... I am being discharged tomorrow and going right to a hypnotherapist who at the end of 90 minutes said I will b ready to flush my pills down the toilet.... I am skeptical. 3 sessions and he says I will be cured.... I'm scared of the possibility of not being scared... But on a good note if it does work I will pass on his name to all of you sine he does skype and telehypnosis.... And I guess it's not that expensive but what I think is costly and my fiancé thinks is costly are 2 different things... So anyways I just wanted to let you all know I'm ok... I would like to give some of you my # but I'm not too comfortable with putting it on here.... I will update tomorrow after my session.... Thanks for all the prayers!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New York

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    I am so happy to hear that you will be okay!! That is a blessing and just use it as a lesson learned in the future when it comes to the anxiety, it's not worth it even though in the moment it feels as though it is, You can do this!!

    I know exactly what you mean by being scared of not being scared, I too feel like that at times. But here's my theory and hopefully it will work for you too... Once you are cured or even not as anxious about it, you will not think of that aspect because we will be too busy making up for lost time and enjoying a life without constant fear!!

    I wish you the best of luck in your recovery!! You got this!! Just remember that!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    United States

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    Wow thank God you are going to be ok. You can do this. Allow people to help you on your road to recovery. I will be praying for you
    psalm 139
    we are fearfully and wonderfully made

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    I have been checking the board non stop to see if you posted!! I've been worried sick . I'm not even joking . I'm really happy to hear you will be ok but I know the hard work is just beginning....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    Sooo glad...yes, from now on say to yourself that anxiety and fear are NOT going to get the best of you and make you harm your body anymore. You are STRONGER than the fear. Hang in there and hugs to you!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    So glad to hear that, wishing you all the best

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Dunedin, NZ

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    So glad you're okay! Your experience can now serve as a reminder to the rest of us to take care of yourself. We are here to support you in the tough times. xxxx
    Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

    Facebook Donna Mutch

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    I do not know what happened but i am sooooo happy to hear you are ok. Please share yoir hypnosis experience. I used to see a hypnotherapist but for weight loss not emet. Im curious if it works!!

    Again, glad you are on your way to recovery!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    I'm very glad to hear there was no permanent damage and that you will be able to recover Be strong, you will get better with therapy

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    MrsEmet - over usage of anti emetics for 15 years caused heart problems detected during a drs visit. led to a 2-3 day hospital stay to flush her system if all meds to determine whether the damage is perm.

    thats the cliff notes version.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    Quote Originally Posted by mdgirl1977 View Post
    MrsEmet - over usage of anti emetics for 15 years caused heart problems detected during a drs visit. led to a 2-3 day hospital stay to flush her system if all meds to determine whether the damage is perm.

    thats the cliff notes version.
    oh my 😓 i depend on my anti emetics.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Going home tomorrow but not before....

    Oh thank goodness! I am so happy to hear you're okay and the damage can be reversed. I am thinking good thoughts on a quick recovery.



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