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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Bellevue, NE

    Default Caffeine = Anxiety

    Hello all!

    I don't post much but I do lurk quite often. I used to get on these boards every day (several times per day) about 9 years ago for my horrible emetophobia issues. I still have emet issues but I feel like I have accepted them and can control who/what I am around more. At times, I still get panicky when it comes to v*.

    Anyways, I myself am a licensed mental health therapist who still has "emetophobia" (strange I know). I have just started seeking therapy for myself for some of my emet, anxiety, depression issues. It is strange to go from straight to seeing my patients, to taking a break and going to see my therapist, then going back to seeing my patients. So yeah... even mental health professionals have mental health issues.

    I wanted to inform everyone on here that I have just started researching the effects of caffeine and how it effects peoples' every day emotional well-being. It contributes to panic attacks, agitation, depression, tiredness, enhanced PMS, etc. It can also effect you physically suck as giving you a stomach ache, heartburn, headaches, etc.; the list can go on. I am now reading a book about how caffeine manufacturers don't want the public to know the effects of the drug. They have also been fighting getting warning labels put on products on caffeinated foods/drinks. Adding caffeine is the best way for companies to get you to continue to buy their product-- how can you not? You get addicted!

    With all of that being said, I have recently given up caffeine due to it's effects. I wasn't sure what was going on. During last fall, I started noticing that I was feeling more tired, depressed, nervous, agitated, and started experiencing heart palpitations. The palpitations were so bad that I had to go to the cardiologist and I had an EKG, ultrasound, and other tests done, including the 48 hour halter monitor. All came back normal. My cardiologist told me to stop eating/drinking foods/drinks with caffeine. I shrugged it off and denied that was my issues. Months went by and things just got worse. Horrid palpitations, panic, and depression. I wasn't even motivated to start my new private practice as a counselor (my dream career) after giving up a job I despised. I had to do something and FAST. So... I went to the doctor and got on Effexor ER. Worked like a dream the first few months but a few weeks ago symptoms of anxiety, depression, and worst of all... palpitations. They are scary! Well, I decided to suck it up and give up my several cups of morning coffee along with some of my dark chocolate. I can honestly say that my moods are now more stable, I am not near as anxious, and my palpitations and panic have ceased. My next step is to wean off of Effexor. I am confident that I know what my mood/anxiety issues were... CAFFEINE! I have come to learn that I am overly sensitive to caffeine and even the smallest amounts can mess with me. I feel great. Yes... I miss my coffee and "energy" I would get from it but it isn't worth the effects of my body needing it all of the time.

    I just wanted to let you all know what is working for me in eliminating depression/anxiety. It won't get rid of our phobia but you will feel so much better physically and emotionally. If you drink at least 1 caffeinated pop or coffee per day, it may be worth it for you to try to give it up for a few weeks or a month. If you drink a lot of caffeine, you have to wean off slowly. And regardless of how much you drink, prepare for a few potential withdrawal effects such as a headache, agitation, depression, and fatigue. I find it to be well worth it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    I'm glad you're feeling better without caffeine, but the effects are pretty well-known, it isn't a huge conspiracy, just that people don't really bother looking them up or don't care. Most likely you really are oversensitive to caffeine, because several people can take it in reasonable doses (one or two cups a day) without significant issues. It does cause anxiety and nausea if taken in large quantities, as you seemed to be doing. Same goes for palpitations, one cup won't cause people to have palpitations, but drinking five or six in a row most likely will. And yes it can cause withdrawal symptoms when people stop, but it isn't "I can't stop taking it, I will kill to have it" addictive. It also has several health benefits ranging from brain health to a reduction in incidence of certain cancers when taken in reasonable doses. I wouldn't advise someone who takes one or two cups to quit coffee because it's the source of their anxiety/depression. So I wouldn't tell people to stop drinking coffee, just to drink it reasonable, as in one or two cups, not several cups in the morning.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Bellevue, NE

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    I am not advising people to stop ingesting caffeine. I told my story because if all else has failed with others on the boards in terms of help with anxiety, etc... they could try getting off of caffeine. Also, I was not drinking caffeine in large doses... in fact... I had 1 mug of caffeine (typically) per day and once in a while some chocolate. There are no health benefits from caffeine... you may be thinking of the benefits from drinking coffee. You are right, some people don't bother looking up effects or they don't care, but again... I am pointing out what many doctors and therapists tend to NOT point out when discussing some symptoms (like anxiety, panic, depression) that can be caused by caffeine addiction and/or sensitivity. I know that I had no idea that the effects that I was having was due to caffeine and I am sure plenty of others have no idea as well. Knowing the symptoms can help someone immensely.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    I don't drink coffee as it gives me the jitters and makes me a nervous wreck. Well done with your progress and I hope it continues. Thank you for the information too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    North Texas

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    I'll try anything to alleviate anxiety. As a Monster addict, maybe I will try this!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Bellevue, NE

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    Thank you... I hope to not "suffer" to badly. I wish I knew of another good "pick me up" for mornings.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Bellevue, NE

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    Whoops- my last post (above) was meant for rebecca 1976. I have to get used to how these boards work again!

    ILoveMySon, let me know if you decide to try it! My dh is discontinuing caffeine like I am and he says he already notices a difference. I didn't know up until recently that caffeine actually accumulates in your blood stream and may take up to 3 weeks to get full benefit once you discontinue it, but you should notice some sort of difference right away. I am sure it all depends on how much you normally drink in a day. If you want to really learn a lot, read the book called "Caffeine Blues". Very informative.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New York

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    In some people caffeine is definitely a trigger I gave it up a while ago, almost a year. Well I should say I gave up coffee. I will never give up my chocolate... EVER. I can handle a soda here and there. But when I drink any coffee forget it. Instant is the worst for me. I actually had two cups today because I was craving it, now paying for it. I am very happy that you were able to kick it and feel better!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by Charzy14 View Post
    Hello all!

    They are scary! Well, I decided to suck it up and give up my several cups of morning coffee along with some of my dark chocolate.
    Quote Originally Posted by Charzy14 View Post
    Also, I was not drinking caffeine in large doses... in fact... I had 1 mug of caffeine (typically) per day and once in a while some chocolate.

    Just pointing out, you did say in your first post you drank a lot of coffee, so I'm not sure why you then claim you didn't take large doses. Several cups is, well, a lot. Also, it is completely untrue that caffeine itself, the pure molecule, has no desirable health effects. Yes, some of the effects are due to other compounds in coffee, but pure caffeine can help lower the risks of Parkinson's disease and of type 2 diabetes. Which is why it's a bit of fear-mongering to claim people need to get off caffeine because their mental health depends on it. I'm all for open discussion on topics like this one, but please at least try to show both sides of the coin instead of going into full-blown one-sided misinformation mode with anecdotal evidence only, to try and demonize any product that contains caffeine. Also, I don't know which doctors you see but all of those I have seen for digestive issues, insomnia and stress have told me to keep my caffeine consumption down, so they're well aware of the issue and they do talk to patients about it. It's not a huge conspiracy to not tell people this great revelation that caffeine makes people anxious and jittery.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Bellevue, NE

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    Well AoD, since you must split hairs here, several cups meaning 3 cups measured (24oz) was what I was talking about, which is equivalent to the mug of coffee that I would drink each day. I did not drink the same amount each and every day. Some days I would drink a full large mug and others a small mug which was equal to 1 cup (not that it should matter anyway).

    Sounds like you have nothing better to do than to defend your caffeine habit and/or just try and seem like the board "know it all". Not sure who died and left you the site doctor? Looks like you have a history of diagnosing people on here.

    Show me some valid, legit evidence (legit website links, peer reviewed journal articles) on caffeine being such a good/healthy thing. And... if you read my initial post correctly, you would see that I was talking about therapists and doctors like psychiatrists/psychologists, NOT medical doctors such as family physicians. I have never seen psych doctors for anxiety (and I am sure many others agree) that asked about caffeine consumption.

    Not sure why you have to try and point out what may seem "wrong" to you, but if you have to be negative, defensive, and must split hairs, keep your rudeness to yourself. It appears that several people on here have appreciated my post. Go away and drink your coffee.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Bellevue, NE

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    AIR32, I will never give up chocolate either! I am gonna wait a few weeks to try eating it again but in small amounts. I will also only drink caffeinated soda or coffee as a rare treat; not to where it accumulates and causes me to become addicted again...way too much panic for me! I am overly-sensitive to everything, even alcohol. I cannot drink it! Everyone is different though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    I don't have a habit actually, I don't drink coffee, just tea once in a while. Just don't like people who post misinformation on the forum, same goes for those who post about so-called miracle cures against noro. It's always better to point out the facts in a neutral and unbiased manner and not preach a miracle solution while leaving out information. That way, people can review the facts and make up their mind, and not just follow a trendy dogma. It also avoids the spread of misinformation, and that's always a plus. As for sources, here:



    And those are just articles I managed to find within a minute or two. Go on google scholar, you'll find many more. I'm not denying that caffeine has an effect on sensitive individuals or those with a true anxiety disorder, but in the general population (not sensitive groups) it isn't problematic and possibly healthy. Cheers.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Bellevue, NE

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    First of you are saying that you don't like me because I posted "misinformation" on the forum? Not sure how you see my post as misinformation; none of what I posted is false, for there is tons of research to back up the fact that caffeine does contribute to anxiety, panic, and other mood issues. You can find a butt-load of info of what research has found on caffeine having negative effects vs. it being "good". I would definitely rather have less panic and anxiety by discontinuing caffeine rather than staying on it for the so-called "benefits". Basically, I could care less what the benefits are. I care that breaking my addiction to caffeine will keep my panic/anxiety down... and posted my experience so maybe it could benefit others on here. Isn't that what we do on here?... Try to help others? I simply want others (especially those that are extra sensitive to caffeine like I am) to know that it wouldn't hurt to try to discontinue usage. Not a horrible thing... and definitely not misinformation.

    I would love to post all of the links that talk about caffeine, it's health dangers, along with emotional well-being ... but all you need to do is "Google" it. Or, maybe read "Caffeine Blues", a book that talks about what most people don't know about caffeine. Far more info on that than benefits of caffeine.

    Lastly, that's fine if you want to be what you called, "unbiased", but your first response to this post was very condescending and arrogant, which to me is biased. You couldn't just give your opinion for yourself and not assume that I am brainwashing people? Whatever. I am no longer responding to your posts on this topic; I believe what I believe and you believe what you believe. Not a debate.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Boston, MA

    Default Re: Caffeine = Anxiety

    Everything in moderation. If I didn't have caffeine, I'd probably be incapacitated whenever I got a migraine. Too much of it, I feel sick to my stomach and shaky. I have tapered myself off of caffeine (from 2 cups of Starbucks a day for YEARS to nothing) when trying to sort out blood pressure issues, and noticed little to no difference in my mental health (I've been diagnosed with GAD since I was a teenager, I am 26 now) after months without it. Every body is different.
    Last edited by angela638x; 06-27-2014 at 10:01 AM.



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