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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Puppy has parasites help!

    So I got a new 8 week old puppy. The breeder told me she was healthy and happy. Well guess what she started having d* the day I brought her home. I took her to the vet and they said she has hookworms. That was not bad to me and I was a little grossed out but not freaking. Well it got worse as the week went on and she began having bloody d*. So I took her back in and they did another fecal test and said she has Giardia the vet then told me to be carful cause people can catch it from dogs. It causes n* v* and d* in humans eek! When I was doing research on it most articles say the kind dogs catch is not the same as people catch in third world countries from drinking bad water. Some said that it can be contagious to humans though so I'm freaking. I was kissing my puppy on the head and tummy before I knew she had that. They say the things can live on dog fur. If anyone has any info or experience with this let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    don't worry I promise you will be fineI am a vet & I see this quite often in puppies. Giardria is usually associated with poor breeding coconditions. all parasites including this protozoans is passed through the fecal/oral route, like a sv. you & your puppy will be fine just wash your hands after you handle with him it'll be okay to kiss and love on him

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    The breeder really has me mad. I spent $200 so far at the vet for this and she won't pay the vet bills even though it came from her house. Have you ever heard of an owner catching from their pets?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    do you have a contract with the breeder? if so you may have legal action options in small claims court depending on how long after you bought the puppy that she got sick. If it was within a day or two and you can prove that this woman sold you a dog that was ill, you may be able to get her compelled to pay all or part of the vet bills. I would recommend you visit your courthouse tomorrow or at least call the small claims clerk to ask some questions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    I never signed any contracts with her or even had any paper work. She says she is not responsible for any vet bills after the dog leaves her care. The dog had a huge bloated belly and d* the day I got her. I got her on a Saturday and took her to the vet on Monday. At the time of the stool sample they did not detect the giardia just the hookworms. My other dogs had tapeworms last summer and it was no big deal so I was only freaked out when the doc said giardia was contagious to people. I sent her an email and told her I knew the dog caught it from her house. She said none of the other new owners have complained. The only thing she would do was take the dog back and give my money back. That is not an option since my family is now attached to her and I have spent hours nursing this poor little dog. She would not give me back the $200 just the price of the dog. Which I'm sure is no loss for her cause she will just turn around and sell it to another family. I know court will be a very costly thing to do and don't want to go through that right now. It's just the point of doing the right thing I think. Now if for some reason one of my kids or me get sick with this and occur medical bills heck yes I will take her to court.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    small claims should cost next to nothing. well if she offered to refund you then you may be stuck bc that is what court will make her do. vet bills you are stuck with :/ I'm sorry.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    I really don't think you have anything to worry about. I have known a few puppies who had it abd have never heard of a person catching it from them. Unless you were touching her poo with your bare hands and then touching your food I don't think there'a any chance of you getting it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    Quote Originally Posted by NicManri View Post
    I really don't think you have anything to worry about. I have known a few puppies who had it abd have never heard of a person catching it from them. Unless you were touching her poo with your bare hands and then touching your food I don't think there'a any chance of you getting it.
    We go today for another deworming shot and check up. It was crazy though when I took her in Thursday because the doctor said she is contagious to humans but that's all I can tell you because legally I'm not a human doctor. I was like really you tell me I can catch this then you tell me but I can't tell you the chances of it or anything else. We are seeing a different doc today so maybe she will give me more info. I'm trying not to let this stress me out too bad, the puppy is getting much better. I guess I'll just have to chalk it up to a dishonest person and get over the cost of the bills. I swear it's so hard to trust people when there are people who rip you off in this world.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    I seem to have the worlds greatest vet, mine would never say that without elaborating. But seriously, I don't think there's any chance you can get it. The CDC website said its only spread through poo, and since your dog goes outside you arnt having contact with it. Even if it does go in the house pick it up with a napkin and wash your hands, you'll be just fine. It's not like when a human has an SV and you have to worry about them touching your food and other things in your house. I'm sorry the breeder ripped you off, I would hope she warned others who got puppies from her that they could be sick but I'm guessing she probably didn't

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    Quote Originally Posted by NicManri View Post
    I seem to have the worlds greatest vet, mine would never say that without elaborating. But seriously, I don't think there's any chance you can get it. The CDC website said its only spread through poo, and since your dog goes outside you arnt having contact with it. Even if it does go in the house pick it up with a napkin and wash your hands, you'll be just fine. It's not like when a human has an SV and you have to worry about them touching your food and other things in your house. I'm sorry the breeder ripped you off, I would hope she warned others who got puppies from her that they could be sick but I'm guessing she probably didn't
    Oh I know she didn't warn anyone else. As a breeder she had to of known that her belly and poo didn't look normal. So that tells me right there she didn't care about anything then a dollar.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    Well all you can do at this point is warn people not to buy from here. It breaks my heart that she doesn't care enough to let other people who bought from her know that their puppies could have a potentially fatal virus

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Puppy has parasites help!

    The only thing i have seen people get from their dog is roundworms. Even then, its always a child to get it due to poor hygiene...play with pup, rub eyes, suck fingers, etc.i have caught strep from a dog, but nothing stomach related. It all boils down to washing hands after playing with the puppy.



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