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Thread: bad IBS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    hey fellow emet friends....

    ive really been suffering with IBS the past three weeks. its been a right pain... [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img] (sorry made myself laugh then!!) Its of the D type and ive been getting terrible pains in my tummy. i dread eating but have been forcing it down. I also feel generally under the weather and exhausted most days...

    ANy ideas guys? I read on one forum that calcium can help...

    im afraid to take immodium - incase it makes me sick - altho most people on these ibs forums swear by it...

    oh - any tips babes?

    ems x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Immodium doesn't make you sick. It is my IBS savior! Sometimes only a half of one works and other times I need up to 2 pills. My friend calls them "water to cement pills". HA!

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I've had terrible ibs practically since birth. Never had any trouble with immodium. It's always been really good. You might try some herbal stuff if you have areal problems. I found something called "Renew Life" IBS supprt., It';s a two pill kit and it worked wonders for me (and trust me I've tried everything under the sun).

    Acupuncture works really well too.

    Aside from that, western medicine doesn't do much good I'm afriad. THe medicines they offer are often worse for your body then it's worth (though I've ever heard of any of them making you v*)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Hi, I have had IBS/D for over 20 yrs also...and immodium will not make you sick at all....it helps alot...in fact I have to be careful with it or I will be constipated for several days....so give it a try...I also take ginger root pills...that is for the nausea i get with IBS.....the calcium helps alot also....but it tends to constipate me too....but that is as bad as D...and believe me...I have had more D in my lifetime to shake a stick at.....as far as the cramps go.....i don't know....the doc can give you something like levsin or levbid I think for that. There is also one other pill I have been taking on and off....it's called Digestive Advantage/IBS....if you go to Rofay.com you will find it. It's 9.99 a box and it works really well too.....Hope you find some relief soon...I know what you are going through. I had a bad bout with mine today...I actually ate pizza !!!!! And I payed for it too. Kat



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