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  1. #1

    Default New, odd, scary things happening. :S

    Hello, all. For a while now, my anxiety & phobia have been more in control than ever. Until last week, that is. Last Sunday I got my menstrual. Nothing out of the ordinary there. But on Thursday, I had some odd symptoms. I was very fatigued, my muscles were very sore, and I was n* even though I had not eaten. Fast forward to Friday and I was so n* I could hardly focus, again, even though I had not eaten. That morning while getting ready I g*ed once. It was so bad that I had to leave work early. When I got home I was still very n* and started having d*. Saturday all was well. I went out on a date with very minor discomfort. Sunday was fine as well. Most of this week has been fine aside from the random g*ing. It is still happening. I will randomly get the sensation and it will happen. No n* beforehand. I have absolutely no idea why. My diet has not changed. I am not taking any new medications. Nothing. But I keep randomly g*ing for no reason and it is really starting to bother me. My appetite has been suppressed because of it. It is starting to get very frustrating and disruptive. Does anybody have any idea what the culprit may be? Thanks for any help on the situation!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    In a house

    Default Re: New, odd, scary things happening. :S

    Do you have any problems with post nasal drip? It can make you wamt to gag if there is an abundance of mucus.
    The n is probably part of the gag and not eating and some anxiety over it all.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New, odd, scary things happening. :S

    Yes I do. I have always had issues with post-nasal but it has never made me g* before, but it is thicker than usual right now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    In a house

    Default Re: New, odd, scary things happening. :S

    Thicker than normal can really cause that. I was just reading about it today actually. I have been suffering from bad allergy problems and for about a month now have been dealing with bronchitis. It's been making me gag. I bet that is your problem

  5. #5

    Default Re: New, odd, scary things happening. :S

    So there is a chance that the symptoms will stop if I can get my allergies under control?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    In a house

    Default Re: New, odd, scary things happening. :S

    I would say so. Doesn't hurt to try

  7. #7

    Default Re: New, odd, scary things happening. :S

    I hope so. These new symptoms are very disruptive and frustrating.



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