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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    Hi everyone!

    Haven't been here in a while, and I just did a keyword search for antibiotics. Saw some old threads but I figured this issue is always relevant so I thought I'd start a new one!

    I developed a UTI a couple of weeks ago. I tried to get rid of it on my own with gallons of water and pure cranberry juice. I did not dilute the cranberry juice and it gave me diarrhea. My stomach was rumbling - it was a bit unsettling but I didn't feel ill. My hypochondria that I would die from a kidney infection got the best of me and I went to the doctor. I realized the only reason I wanted to avoid the doctor was because I didn't want to have to go on an antibiotic. I figured I'd be prescribed Cipro or some other hardcore drug that would give me complete anxiety and I probably would not end up taking it. I ended up asking the doctor if I could take Amoxicillin because I have taken it my whole life with no problem and recently took it for tonsillitis. She seemed a bit hesitant, saying that the strain bacteria might not be killed by Amoxicillin (I didn't get the urine results back yet), but she gave it to me.

    The good news is, I've been taking it without a problem. The bad news is, I still feel sore down below and something is definitely not right. I realized that my main concern is not really the UTI, but having to take drugs that will make me nauseous or sick. My real fear is not a kidney infection, but the nausea or sickness that comes with it. I really wish I could just have an IV of antibiotics or injections so it could bypass my stomach, but I'm pretty sure they only do that in emergency situations in a hospital. I feel like an idiot taking this relic of an antibiotic like it's 1965...maybe it's not working. Oh, and I've been obsessive compulsively googling UTI/antibiotic stories and side effects and it's been making me feel worse. Not only for emetophobic reasons, but some of the other side effects are ridiculously scary as well!

    I'd like to hear about how you guys have dealt with UTIs, antibiotics...or even just antibiotics in general. It gives me so much anxiety, I don't think a doctor would understand why I just CAN'T deal with this. To make matters worse, I'm pretty much on my own so if I did develop a terrible reaction, I would have no one to comfort me or help me. I live across the country from family. I have a roommate, but she's a weirdo and not a very caring person. There is a guy I'm seeing, but not to the comfort level where he would understand this or come over and pet me or something. He'd probably think I was a total loon. I have visions of having to call an ambulance for myself or having to drive to the ER, which is another terrible fear of mine. I'd actually feel a lot better taking antibiotics if I were in a hospital with help nearby (maybe strapped to the bed too, hahaha).

    Thanks in advance for sharing and let me know if you can relate to any of this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    I had a lot of UTIs in my early 20s and they never ever made me feel ill, and I'm very sensitive to medication. I'd feel one coming on and get into the dr as soon as possible because I was afraid of it getting worse and making me v*. There's azo pills you can get from the store to numb you down there so you don't have to be uncomfortable. However they should NOT be used instead of antibiotics and they will NOT make your uti go away. They are just a pain reliever. I would also wear a panty liner if you get some because they turn your pee bright orange and stain your underwater.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Yorktown, Virginia, USA

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    OMG I have a uti right now, I was just about to post that I have had a UTI and has anyone else had nausea while dealing with it!!! Well it's off to the doc with me tommorrow, last time they gave me cipro. I felt very yucky, not exactly n* but just... Bleh. For me, I'm just going to go ahead and take the cipro bc I'm already n* so why not... My emeto goes crazy every time I have a sickness. But never really antiboitics. The best way to deal with taking them is to make sure you eat with them, not just crackers or something but a whole meal, and eat every couple if hours to minimize the n* I personally have never thrown up while on an antibiotic. But you do feel gross while you take them. It's killing off infection in your body, so remind yourself that it's a given to feel nasty, and that you must take them so you don't feel worse. But your dr is right, amoxicillin is just penicillin, good for ear infections, sinus and such, but not really for uti. It's not strong enough to reach the bladder.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ldyab33 View Post
    OMG I have a uti right now, I was just about to post that I have had a UTI and has anyone else had nausea while dealing with it!!! Well it's off to the doc with me tommorrow, last time they gave me cipro. I felt very yucky, not exactly n* but just... Bleh. For me, I'm just going to go ahead and take the cipro bc I'm already n* so why not... My emeto goes crazy every time I have a sickness. But never really antiboitics. The best way to deal with taking them is to make sure you eat with them, not just crackers or something but a whole meal, and eat every couple if hours to minimize the n* I personally have never thrown up while on an antibiotic. But you do feel gross while you take them. It's killing off infection in your body, so remind yourself that it's a given to feel nasty, and that you must take them so you don't feel worse. But your dr is right, amoxicillin is just penicillin, good for ear infections, sinus and such, but not really for uti. It's not strong enough to reach the bladder.
    I'm glad this post came just in time for you! Please update here about your experience with Cipro. I do remember years ago, my mother had a stash of Cipro that she'd keep on hand for UTIs. I vaguely remember having blood in my urine one day and she told me to take a pill. I took one and that was the end of the infection. No side effects and I didn't think twice about what I was taking at the time because I trusted her opinion.

    I don't know if I need another antibiotic yet, but they are calling to discuss the lab tomorrow. I haven't taken too many antibiotics in my life that weren't amoxicillin or penicillin. Anything stronger always gave me diarrhea and stomach cramps after which point I would usually stop. My anxiety gets so bad when I am on some random drug that I can't really focus on anything else or carry on with life. It can almost be debilitating to an extent so that's why I try to avoid it when possible.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by NicManri View Post
    I had a lot of UTIs in my early 20s and they never ever made me feel ill, and I'm very sensitive to medication. I'd feel one coming on and get into the dr as soon as possible because I was afraid of it getting worse and making me v*. There's azo pills you can get from the store to numb you down there so you don't have to be uncomfortable. However they should NOT be used instead of antibiotics and they will NOT make your uti go away. They are just a pain reliever. I would also wear a panty liner if you get some because they turn your pee bright orange and stain your underwater.
    Yes, I've read alllll about these things so I'm pretty familiar with what you've said. What drugs had helped you in the past?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Brooklyn, NY

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    I had a few UTIs in my early 20s too, and unfortunately I can't remember what I took, but Cipro sounds familiar. Whatever it was, it made me feel better after the first pill. The worst I ever had from an antibiotic was bad d*. Haven't take one in years, but I think if you take them with food, it's less likely to cause N*. I totally sympathize with you about being worried mainly about N and V and not the actual medical problem. You're not alone in that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    I have had several uti's before and as I'm allergic to penecillin I was prescribed erythromycin. The first time I took it I didn't read the instructions and took an antacid which made me v! That scared me so I tried to avoid it but my dr convinced me to take it again and I was fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    ME, USA

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    I don't really understand why everyone on here is recommending certain antibiotics, as it should be the doctor that recommends which one would work best for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    I'm not sure what it was, ill see if I have an old bottle but it was whatever is standard for a uti. You shouldn't have to take it for more than 3 days. The only antibiotic that made me feel gross wa when I had bronchitis but it also could have been because I was really sick and coughing up a ton of mucus.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    Thanks, everyone. They told me that according to the lab results, amoxicillin was indeed an appropriate drug for the bacteria involved. I'm not even sure I will be given another antibiotic now, as I'm done with the amoxicillin now and they want to wait a few days to see if my symptoms clear up. I took a cranberry supplement and it gave me D*, just like the juice did. (Maybe because I had it with coffee and on an empty stomach? The guy in the store made me try it on the spot.) I'm lucky I don't have a fear of D* because that is the one side effect I *always* get. I should be happy it comes out that end and not the other. Sorry for TMI but I know the topic of D* comes up a lot here and it makes people nervous as well. Just something to keep in mind if you're going to mess around with hardcore cranberries (and not the fake Ocean Spray stuff).

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    Yea empty stomach probably didn't help. I'm impressed you could drink it! It's so tart I have to water it way way down before I can drink it or it upsets my stomach, not like I'm gonna v* just off a bit, but I'm pretty sure that's from the tartness

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Fear of Antibiotics/UTI/etc.

    I've had H.pylori and I was taking triple therapy for it, 2 antibiotics! It was really unpleasant, but I was having big problems with my stomach then (and I still have it, although I don't have the bacterium now). I didn't v. It's way better not to take it on an empty stomach for sure. Don't be afraid of antibiotics!
    "Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn't change anything, it just messes with your mind and steals your happines."



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