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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Thumbs up Share a daily triumph :)

    Hi guys! It's been quite a long time since I was active around here (I must have been 13 when I joined and I'm 17 now!). As I've looked through the threads I see a lot of people who are struggling and felt like a thread like this could inspire a few people to take a step out of their comfort zones!

    I have been through 3 years of depression and have had emetophobia for 9 years, but I am slowly taking steps towards a brighter future and I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that every single member on this site has the determination, resources and bravery within them to overcome this fear. It's not easy, I know that. When you're sad it's hard to even think about getting better because part of you doesn't want to get over emet. If you did, you'd be risking being sick! I know that feeling so well and though it's taken a while, I've finally fought that. I can honestly say now I would rather have a fear free life where I'm sick every now and then than a life full of fear and sadness where I'm STILL sick sometimes, because we really cannot control vomiting, can we?

    I am in no way suggesting that anyone here should throw themselves in at the deep end or expose themselves to vomit. No way! But focussing on the little achievements you have every day will really encourage you and remind you how well you're actually doing! As emets we often look straight past the positive moments in our day and remember all the times we weren't feeling so great. So here is what I propose!

    Every day, I am going to come back to this thread and post 1-3 positive things that have happened that day. They could be as small as going to the shop for groceries - if it provokes a little anxiety in you but you did it anyway then put it on the list! Even if you got ready to go out somewhere and then changed your mind last second, that is STILL a positive. Why? Because you pushed yourself to get ready even when you were feeling anxious, nauseated or stressed. And next time it will be easier to push yourself a little further. Even if you read this and think it's a silly idea, I really encourage you to try it because doing things like this was how I gained the courage to take my first scary step!

    My positives for the day:

    1. I met up with my friend for a coffee even when I'd had a loose BM this morning. Once I'd distracted myself I completely forgot about it and despite the fact I'd thought over all the things that could go wrong in my head before hand, none of those things happened and I had such a great time!

    2. In the coffee shop, a man came up to the counter and told the staff his daughter had just vomited in the corner. I wanted to walk out of the shop through the front entrance to get to my seat outside the back of the shop, but instead I forced myself to walk through the shop, past the vomit and out of the back door instead. I smelled it and saw it without feeling any anxiety and then I was super proud of myself for being brave!

    Feel free to say what you did today that was a little out of your comfort zone, or that made you proud! Remember, even little achievements are really worth writing down. 6 months into my therapy and I am so close to being cured, and this was one of the things which helped me tons. Try it! ^_^
    (Note: I would have put this in triumphs but I feel like the threads there aren't read very often. If this thread is moved then that's okay )
    (Another note: I know I have used the word vomit a few times instead of v* and I hope this doesn't cause any anxiety. I've found that the more you get used to saying/reading it, the less it bothers you which is why I've done this!)
    Take care everyone xx -Massive hugs-
    Last edited by Claire-; 09-30-2014 at 09:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Well, I ate some soup today even though I felt a little funny.
    I didnt have a full blown panic attack when I felt a bit dizzy.

    yay me
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  3. #3

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    the last time I v* I'd eaten steak and ale pie for tea. That was last April. Iv avoided it since then... Imagine my horror when I arrived at my mom in laws and that's what she had made for dinner!!?? After a lot of thinking. I sat down and ate it!! And it was bloody good!! I have a slight butterfly feeling in my stomach now but I'm sure that's more through association (I hope anyway &#128563 xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Pudsta, woho! That's great. x
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    That's so awesome guys, well done!

    Felle, eating the soup whilst you feel a bit weird proves you can tolerate being uncomfortable and stay calm when faced with something that may once have caused you anxiety.
    Not panicking whilst you feel dizzy proves you can tolerate feeling out of control because even when you're not in control of a situation, you feel mentally strong enough to cope with it and bounce back from it

    Pudsta, that proves you don't associate foods or situations with vomiting when you know there's really no correlation. It also proves that you're willing to take steps out of your comfort zone to enjoy yourself because you can see vomiting as a minor inconvenience

    You both did so well! *hugs* I hope you're super proud of yourselves! ^_^

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    I woke up feeling a bit s* this morning, took a mint tablet instead of an anti emetic and went back to sleep.

    And Claire, yes I am proud. *hug*
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    I went to my friends house on Monday to hang out and have dinner. When I got there, she told me she v* on Saturday and has had a bad cold since last Wednesday, and was still sick when I went to her house. I DIDN'T PANIC!! I touched door handles, I ate dinner with my hands (I washed them of course, basic hygiene), we were close to each other a lot and I didn't overreact.

    That night I couldn't sleep much but I didn't cut down on eating, I didn't focus on every little twinge my stomach made, I hung out with my other friend and went shopping!

    It's not been over 48 hours since I was at her house and there's no sign of any sv* or any sort of illness!! I hope I'm not jinxing myself though!! Touch wood!! Haha

    That's just my little triumph, it might not seem much but to me it was a lot - staying at my friend's house after she'd been sick less than 48 hours before.
    "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone" - Audrey Hepburn

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Yay Felle! Sounds like you're coping really really well I have trouble with that sometimes - I'll take painkillers when I'm not in pain because I'm scared of getting a migraine, so I know how much courage that took you

    Victoria that's amazing! I'm sure you've not caught anything, though the fact you spent time with your sick friend proves that you know deep down you could cope with the idea of vomiting anyway That was so brave! Also, the fact you went shopping proves you don't brood or obsess about vomit, and I bet it was really fun! ^-^

    I've been invited over to someone's house for dinner and a movie.. and I'll have to take a bus! I'm quite scared but I'll only regret it if I don't go. I really really want to go :3

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    I went to see a friend to bring her ice cream when she was having 'period cramps' but she actually had a sv*. Stuck it out and watched a film with her (she hadnt v*ed all day and all night so yano)

    Also, victoria, ariana grande is my queen and audrey hepburn is my life..haha
    May your dreams be bigger than your fears

  10. #10

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    I guess mine isn’t really a triumph, but I was proud of myself for it, so… J
    Anyways, I live in Texas, y’all, and there was (gasp, choke, wheeze) confirmed Ebola case in Dallas. AAAHHHH!!! Regardless, when a friend told me the news, there was considerable shock, but instead of overreacting, dashing home, and completely sanitizing my house from top to bottom, I smiled, and continued my day.
    And, at the place I work, one of my co-workers came in with a headache and wasn’t feeling very well, and instead of intentionally avoiding him and rushing off to sanitize my workspace, I merely told him to feel better soon, and continued working.
    So, nothing earth-shattering, but small steps are better than standing still!! J

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Maddie-_- View Post
    I went to see a friend to bring her ice cream when she was having 'period cramps' but she actually had a sv*. Stuck it out and watched a film with her (she hadnt v*ed all day and all night so yano)

    Also, victoria, ariana grande is my queen and audrey hepburn is my life..haha
    Maddie omg!! Are you serious?!?! They're probably 2 of the most amazing people ever! I am so glad I know someone else who loves them as much as I do!! <3 <3
    "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone" - Audrey Hepburn

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Wow Maddie, that's awesome! It shows how considerate you are of your friends feelings and that you put her happiness before your own comfort because you can tolerate being a little uncomfortable well done!

    DogLover8, that definitely sounds like a triumph to me! Quite a few triumphs actually :P It shows you can keep calm in situations that you're not in control of and not obsess/brood/worry over things that you can't change. It was also super brave of you to stay calm when your co worker didn't feel well.

    I'll do my triumphs for yesterday.. Well, I agreed to go to my friend's house for dinner on Friday (tomorrow, argh!), which means catching a bus, eating meat cooked by someone else etc. He's so understanding which really helps but public transport causes me massive panic attacks so I'm a bit nervous about that to say the least. I think agreeing to go proves I don't mind taking steps out of my comfort zone, and I also shows I don't have to avoid vomit by staying away from those situations because I know I could deal with it if it happened.

    I also went to the shops, and whilst there my stomach felt a little odd and I began to create anxiety but I distracted myself and managed to control it, stay calm and continue shopping ^_^

    Keep it up guys! All these things are massive achievements, give yourself a huge pat on the back (and maybe a warm bath, and maybe some chocolate ;D) xxx

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    I love this thread! I love reading about fellow emets little daily triumphs!

    Last night I woke up on and off with a tummy ache. So waking up with the knowledge that I didn't feel good, I started to shake and my throat closed up and I knew I was barreling down the track towards a panic attack. But instead of giving in and ruining any chances of sleeping that night, I rolled over, snuggled into my hubby's back, and thought of something pleasant until I fell asleep. Didn't have to reach for an anxiety pill or wake my hubby up to play the "what if?" game.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    The other day I watched my cousins 4 month old even though she was sick, she was either teething or had a cold, and even though I'm not scared of catching a cold I don't being around sick people. I was pretty proud of myself for that.

    Today I had to transport a pup 2 hours north to a foster home, my fb went with me and wanted to stay up there and doing some shopping in a crowded store, I manged not to obsess abou the germs or potential sick people while we were out.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Woke up in the middle of the night with bad stomach cramps, gas, and heartburn. As soon as I realized I had stomach cramps I was nauseated. Went into a full blown mini panic attack. Instead of getting up and pacing around the house, going in and out of the bathroom.. Going in my normal cycle of feeling better, thinking about feeling better and then getting nauseated again... And so on. I just stayed in bed. I took deep breaths, rolled onto my side, and went back to sleep. Felt pretty good about that. Saved myself from being awake and in a panic for 1-2 hours. Got that desperately needed sleep instead.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Wow, these are all amazing achievements! I love coming back to this thread and seeing all the positivity Ask yourselves what it says about you to have done those things. What does it prove? That you're capable, can tolerate discomfort and manage your thinking? Then tell yourselves how great you did!

    Yesterday I got on the bus to go to someone's house for a date. I was soo surprised I managed to do it given that the last journey I did on public transport was absolutely traumatizing and scary, but I hardly even panicked once I got on. Though I have to say, it kind of helped that he put his arm around me. I went from having a full blown panic attack at the bus stop to being completely calm because of that, it was incredible :3 and things are looking pretty awesome for us. I didn't manage to eat the food he cooked, but maybe another day He was extremely understanding and kind about it all.

    I also compiled a list of things that I do to avoid being sick and I'm going to start tackling them one by one.

    Take care, y'all, you're doing great!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Such a lame success story but I love the positivity and thought I would share. I am very agorphobic. And my husband is in the navy so I have to rely on myself a lot. I actually went to the grocery store all by myself! I did take an anxiety pill..but I didn't rush through the store at all. I took my time. And I used to actually pay someone to go to the grocery story..and now I do it on my own I also handled some major billing issues we were having and had to drive to various places to fix the problem..although I was panicked I push through because I knew I had to get things done. And right now, I have had d* for the last couple of days..and although I am extremely nervous..I am try to distract myself from my feelings! I guess writing these down seems to have helped my self esteem a bit

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    Soccergirl, not lame at all! That's awesome. I've just recently started being able to go shop on my own, it's an awesome feeling. Before that I always dragged my boyfriend with me. Go us!!
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    It's so nice to hear positive things people are doing.
    I'm not sure that mines much of an achievement but I've heard of a few kids v'ing from my daughters school and I've managed not to quiz her about if her tummy hurts after school!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    There is a sv* going through my house ( both kids had/ have it and hubby) I've cleaned up v* several times now and washed souled laundry, and comforted my kids and hubby all without freaking out.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Share a daily triumph :)

    I've been feeling sick and n* the last few days because of my sinuses and pms, and usually when this happens I don't eat anything other than plain crackers and tiny sips of juice and I get extremely dehydrated and lose a lot of weight. Well tonight I went and ate dinner that my mom made (chicken stir fry) even though it wasn't a safe food! And I don't feel any worse than I did before



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