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Thread: oh no - scared

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    hey peeps,

    im such a fool - such a stupid fool. i have come to work and have fogotten to take my effexor - its literally only 3mg or so now - but im just so scared that i will get sick. and the more i worry, the more i get a tummy ache coz of ibs - oh im so so scared - wat to do...i just cant go on anymore guys. its too much to worry abt and im sick of worrying - literally. i just wanna get on with my work - but im shakin like a leaf

    ems x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    you have done so well to get down to 3mg. I am really proud of you. I am in absolute hell at the moment. It is 6.25am and I have no sleep. I just cannot unwind. I am crying and having moments oof despair where I just want to die. I can't sleep, I feel sick, dizzy and keep twitching and fidgeting which I cant control. It is a nightmare. I know you went through it but you are my role model. you've been very strong and I just hope i can do as well as you have.
    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    hey there babe - i havent been on the site much lately - more hovering about (!) but i read your post about having a rough time- im sorry i havent been there for you and didnt reply sooner.

    believe me when i say it gets better with withdrawal. Have you got the reduction chart i sent you? how far down are you now? i stuck to it religiously and this helped me get down so low. the end bit has been rough coz i really dont know if its 3 mg or 2mg or perhapd 4 or 5 im taking each day - quite hard to cut such small amounts off of pills. but it doesnt make me feel so bad each day - and now i think its more in my head if i forget to take or try and go lower...

    and the most depressing thing now is that i think i need to be on them... your description of the panic attacks and panicking about being sick when you know you dont even feel sick is exactly whats happening to me right now. once again im scared to sleep. im scared to eat and my mind is so so overactive with thoughts about being sick. And this has only got worse since coming off of the effexor really. so what can i do now? live on drugs all my life or worry about being sick? oh and i cry pretty much everyday about something or other - its ridicoulous and i feel worse now than before i went on the damn pills.

    its really stressing me out too - i just feel hopeless and worthless and really depressed at the moment. i keep telling myself it will get better but it doesnt.

    Hale, how much are you taking a day? how much were you taking originally? One thing which i found on some forums was that benedryl can help withthe side effects - i dont know how exactly but ive been taking a pill with my effexor and its been helping me...so maybe it might help you too? i know you can do this too - im not strong at all - im a mess - but together we can do it hey!

    let me know how your doing? i am on msn every day at work and i check my yahoo email pretty much all the time:
    [email protected] if you wanna chat.
    *big hugs*
    ems xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    thanks for what you said. Originally I was on 75mg per day and I cut that down to 75mg every other day. After 2 weeks I felt good because my energy levels were going up and I just felt more 'alive'. SDo after 6 weeks like that I cut it down to going 2 nights without and it hasbeen hell. I went on the net yesterday and read about half lives and release times and I think it was like giving my body 75mg which stayed in my system a day and then going cold turkey for 2 days. I went to the drs today and she has given me 37.5mg tablets to take but I don't know whethere to take one per day or every other day. I just feel so angry that they write you these prescriptions without telling you what it is like coming off them. We have a right to know what we are going to have to go through so that we can make an informed decision to take them or not. I know I wasn't really ready to come off them but they made me feel like a zombie and I don't want to be like that on my wedding day. I want to feel alive and energetic. I am so sorry that you are struggling. I promise you that you are not hopeless or worthless. You have come a long way from those posts of a few years ago about not being able to cope any more and you are my rolemodel. I am really proud of you. Stay strong.
    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    heya babe,

    ok - what i suggest you do is look at the following chart - this has helped me to get from 75mg down to the 35 pills and then either further. it might also be worth investing in a pill cutter - i went to boots and asked at the pharmasist - they dont officially sell them - but i just explained the situation and how hard it was to cut my pills and they sold me one for about a fiver.

    http://www.clinical-depression.co.uk...essants/withdr awal/venlafaxine.html

    this is the best tabel ive found to help reduce the drug safely. i discussed with my doctor and she agreed too.

    drugs.com http://www.drugs.com/forum/default.asp also have a good forum and people gave me some good advice there too. if u look under the heading FEATURED DRGUS - u will see posts for effexir - so many people are going thro the same thing too. it makes me mad too that no one told me this would end up like this...

    anyways babe - im away next week - off to poland - but let me know how u are when i get back.

    its really nice to read that ur my rolemodel!! i dont think anyones ever said that! but u should be proud of urself for getting this far too u know - and u can get further and it will be ok - trust me - if i can do it then so can u! i think everyone here is a rolemodel to some extent to me - coz when one of us is down then there is someone to give them strength - and vice versa!

    take care sweet
    ems xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hale - if u go on drugs.com and go to the second page under the heading i just said - u will see my login - ejb199 and my post - there are now 71 replies! i havent looked for ages - so obviously lots of people are having similar experiences!!



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