Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
Remember that it's TOTALLY fecal/oral so unless you EAT THE PARTICLES you can't get it. I assume you weren't licking her hands when you were with her. Also, is she a bit of a drama queen? I hate to say it (and I'm really NOT picking on your friend), but it seems like stretch of the truth. The fact that she wasn't going to tell you when would make me think that she knows about your anxiety so she didn't want to tell you, but the fact that she brought it up and then was wishy washy makes me think she either A. Wasn't really sick yesterday or B. Is exaggerating and maybe just felt off all day. NO MATTER WHAT I can PROMISE YOU that someone who had Noro yesterday does not want to go shopping with friends today. No way, no how. So she's either really confused, is an exaggerator or is just flat out lying. You're totally safe.
thank you! I hope you're right. Since she wasnt telling me when I was thinking she had it yesterday and she knows how terrified I am but then you pointed out the fact that there is no way she would have wanted to go out today either if it was yesterday. I can't remember if I touched my face at all after getting in her car. But I washed my hands and disinfected my phone as soon as I got home! I hope I'm safe.