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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Please is anyone there, help me!

    Please can someone help me!
    My husband came home tonight with a really swollen tummy and had some bad diarrhoea. Later on he went to bed and then got up and was s*. He then felt better but got up again 2 hours later and was s* again. We're staying at my mums and I am in a state of total panic! I'm terrified that he has a bug and in going to catch it.
    He has eaten a lot today and had a few pints on top of that which may have made his tummy swell up but I've no idea why he's been so s*.

    Please anyone, does this sound like a bug?? He doesn't feel ill in any other way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Please is anyone there, help me!

    I responded to your other thread.



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