Hey all,

Welp, as you know me and William are getting married the end of next month. Any of you who have been married, do you have suggestions for a more erm..budgeted wedding? Its tough because my mom wants me to do all this expensive stuff that we clearly couldn't afford, and she assumes that my dad will just pay for everything. Well, we are playing it safe and not going on the assumption that he will. Even if he did pay for everything, I still wouldn't go nuts on a big spending spree. We are planning just having it at the Methodist church I used to go to when I was younger and that my dad still goes to, and the reception downstairs in the basement room (they have a good sized room down there). Well I tell mom all this and shes like "thats awful, your ruining it" and okay she hasn't even asked me once how much money we have to spend (as in we can't go blowing it on all this stuff). She wants us to rent a nice hall, have a live band, and an open bar and all this stuff, and there is NO WAY I am doing all that. I mean I know shes irrational, but its depressing for her to tell me that I'm like ruining it, and its frustrating because I feel like I'm not getting that much help anyways with everything. I mean people don't just magically know how to plan and do a wedding! It just gets frustrating. Anyone have stories of their wedding that they had and it was on the simpler side?