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Thread: Please help me!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Massachusetts, USA

    Default Please help me!

    Is anyone around who could chat with me?? My bf called an hour ago saying he feels tired, has had d* and feels "slightly queasy". We live together. He's leaving work early and I'm picking him up in half an hour. He knows about my phobia so I can't tell if he's downplaying his symptoms or what? I'm so so scared that he has a sv*. I'm already having a full blown panic attack and I'm scared of how he's gonna feel once I go get him. If it were a bug would he have v* by now? Could it just be a cold?? Please help me

  2. #2

    Default Re: Please help me!

    I hope all has gone OK for you. I would be in a panic to but would keep my distance if he does tu. I don't have much more advice cause I know the feeling. Good hand washing!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Massachusetts, USA

    Default Re: Please help me!

    Sighhhh, false alarm. He came home and took a nap and says he's feeling much better now. But I'm still anxious wondering what that was all about? I kept as calm as I possibly could (outwardly at least). I keep asking him every few minutes how he's doing and I'm pretty sure I'm annoying him. I really really hate living like this



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