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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    United States

    Default Chances of getting sick from inhalation?

    Hey all! I'm hoping someone can set my mind at ease.

    Sunday night (almost 48 hours ago) my husband became violently ill with N* and D*. It came on quickly and he felt like hell for a few hours and then it went away and he hasn't had any problems (other than a not great appetite and lack of energy) since. I've been sleeping in the guest room and cleaning like crazy.

    Anyway, tonight I was loading some of the bedding he was sleeping on into the washing machine and as I put it in it created a big blast of air that went right in my face. I had gloves on but of course now I'm worried that I inhaled or swallowed something that will make me sick. The chances of me getting whatever he had that way are SUPER slim, right? I know noro has to be swallowed to be contagious but is it possible that some particles got picked up by the little puff of air and landed in my mouth and then I swallowed them? He never got sick in bed and says he never got sick on his clothes (please believe those went through a sanitation cycle this morning!!) so it seems pretty unlikely that I'd contract his bug (whatever it was) this way, right?

    All of this sounds crazy to even type. :/

    This is coming on the heals of my son getting sick twice last week (husband was out of town). I'm ready for a nice long break from all of this!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    South Carolina

    Default Re: Chances of getting sick from inhalation?

    I think the chances are small. I went through the same thing this weekend, my daughter was sick. I thought the same thing. I was holding bedding as far away from me as possible and held my breath when putting it in the washer. Plus, it's already been 48 hours, so I think you are good.



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