I've suffered from emetophobia for as long as I can remember (I am currently 16 years old). It's been about 5 years since I've had a huge scare with it, but the very first day of this year my mom got s*. She had d* and said she was going to v* but never actually did. I had my sister come get me because I didn't want to be in the house and was freaking out. I wanted to spend the night with her but was afraid to in case I got sick and so I ended up going back home. My mom was basically fine once I got home and we even went and got breakfast the next day. I was really careful about what I touched and washed my hands a lot and after a few days I was fine. I barely even thought about if for the next few weeks. Then the last day of January my mom got s* again. But this time she v* a lot. I freaked out and went to my sister's house for three days and had so much anxiety. I could barely eat for a week, and once I got home I used tons of disinfectant wipes and spray and I've refused to eat anything out of the kitchen even until now. And also, last Monday night my mom felt s* again, but never v*. She went to the doctor the next day and they said she had a sinus infection and the drainage was probably why she felt s*. Still, though, I'm really panicky and feel like a prisoner in my own house. I even refuse to touch my pets because they've all been sitting with my mom. I've fallen into somewhat of a depression because of all the anxiety about possibly getting s*. I haven't and neither has my dad, who literally takes no precautions when it comes to getting s* at all. I guess I'm just asking if I'd be sick by now if I were going to be and if the germs are still around my house? I can't talk about my problem with my parents because they think I'm crazy.