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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Im scared my husband is cheating

    So ive been married for 3 months and i was looking at my husband's phone and saw his recently searched item was Craigslist. And when I went to him chrome history and he was looking sex ads. I confronted him about it and he got really mad and he said he was just looking to see what a "nice girl" looks like because he's been he thinks im mean. Then today he said he was going to the bookstore which he usually does and after a couple hours I call him to see where he was and he didn't answer then after 30 minutes he called me back and I asked where he was and he said don't worry about it I'm just really worried and scared what do you think I should do he is such a good man and I really don't think he's cheating on me but I just have no idea anymore. I'm scared to bring it up again because of the horrible fight we had couple of days ago he even banned me from his phone and change the password because he said it was disgusting that I was snooping.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    Is this the first time that he knows you have been through his phone?

    I don't agree with snooping in someones phone, I really dont. You should trust your husband. However, if this is a first time occurrence and he has reacted by getting angry, shouting and changing his password I would be suspicious. I would assume he would be dissapointed and upset that you didn't trust him but want to discuss why you feel insecure (again, if this is a first time occurrence!)

    However, if this isn't a first time thing then I would understand his anger and frustration, especially if previous accusations from yourself have been proven wrong!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    I think it's disgusting that he's looking at sex ads on Craigslist when he's married.

    I'm not telling you what to do one way or another, but I think I would have a very hard time getting over that. Especially since he doesn't seem to think he did anything wrong, and that the blame is entirely on you.

    I'm so sorry ((hugs)) we're here if you need anything!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    This was the first time I've ever snooped and i do trust my husband and i don't think hes ever cheated on me but just the fact that he went looking makes me upset. I myself hate snooping. I saw his search history on accident but i looked into it further to see what was going on. I did Ask him why he searched Craigslist and he just responded with "don't worry about it"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    Okay a few things.

    If you trust him, you have no business going through his phone or computer. the fact that you DID, means there was something already nagging at you that made you feel the need (and I say that from experience). The fact that his response to you was that he wanted to see what a "nice girl looks like" because you've been mean does NOT set well with me. That's a CRUEL thing to say and the man who said that to me would have gotten a swift kick in the nuts. (I hope that he's usually nicer to you than that and he was just being a dick because you looked through his phone).

    Now the next thing is, you have NO idea why that was in his search history. Your better course of action would be to sit him down and TALK to him. DO NOT be accusatory. Explain that it upset you and you love him and trust him but that it hurt. See how he responds to you then. Do your best not to put him on the defensive. You'll never wind up getting any real answers that way.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    Here's the thing sweetheart....if you feel the need to snoop through his phone, then you already think something isn't right.
    That being said, if you go looking for trouble you will more than likely find it.
    Sounds like he is being a bit unreasonable and not taking your feelings into consideration, which I think is mean.
    Someone who loves you should want to reassure you and comfort you, not blow you off by saying "none of your business" or "don't worry about it"
    The ball is in your court. Make the decision to trust him or not...but don't waste any more of your time either way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    Quote Originally Posted by Leighs View Post
    Here's the thing sweetheart....if you feel the need to snoop through his phone, then you already think something isn't right.
    That being said, if you go looking for trouble you will more than likely find it.
    Sounds like he is being a bit unreasonable and not taking your feelings into consideration, which I think is mean.
    Someone who loves you should want to reassure you and comfort you, not blow you off by saying "none of your business" or "don't worry about it"
    The ball is in your court. Make the decision to trust him or not...but don't waste any more of your time either way.
    truth. everything i was inarticulately trying to say

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    I thought my ex was cheating. he told me I was nuts. his phone was clean. I searched his computer and he had been on adult friend finder. I still believed him. 38 days after my son was born he left. turns out he was banging our nanny. that marriage is over too. he also was sleeping with via employee 1. he cheated in employee 1 with her boss, employee 2, who he just married.

    point - he is a perfect guy. handsome, kind, no drugs or alcohol. everyone said I was nuts but I was not. still people question whether he cheated since he denied it. I don't care anymore. I dodged a bullet. I only wasted 1 year.

    trust your gut.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    I don't know what Craigslist is, presuming its porno stuff? If if my boyfriend of 6 years went through my internet history he would probably think I'm cheating aswel its full of dodgy sites lol but fact is no I haven't cheated nor would I !! If he went through my phone id be raging but not for the fact of my internet history just because he had the cheek to snoop

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    Dxxr. Craigslist is a buy/sell website where you can also look for sex, friends, hangouts, etc etc.
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    Well i never meant to snoop. I was on Google and the last three things he searched just popped up, the most recent being Craigslist, and he told me he met two of his prior girlfriends on Craigslist which is why i assumed. He's much older than me and says he's not interested in sex like he was when he was younger but still.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    Quote Originally Posted by keetmay View Post
    says he's not interested in sex like he was when he was younger but still.
    I am so very, very sorry for the situation that you're in. This statement alone would be evidence to me that he's having an affair. (((HUGS))), girl. Men don't ever get to an age when they are no longer interested in sex. That's a flat out lie. Unless there's something wrong with him, the desire for intimacy never just goes away because of age. I would assume he's having sex elsewhere as well. Beyond that, Leighs is dead on, if he cared about you he would most certainly do all that he could to convince you of that love, not run away for hours on end. I caught my husband looking at another woman once. Yes, I know that all men look, but at the time I was hormonal and feeling insecure. Anyway, he bent over backwards to make me feel special and to assure me that I was what he wanted. You need to find someone who's going to love you the way you deserve to be loved. We're here for you, girl. xoxo

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    He hates being asked a million questions because it's something his mother always did so even if i want to talk about it he gets annoyed. Even though most men at his age want sex i can see why he doesn't because he's very shy and introverted and hes mainly interested in biotechnology. But i do wish he would at least try to prove to me that he isn't.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Im scared my husband is cheating

    My husband is 52 and wants sex all the time and we've been married for 25 years. I am sorry you are going through this but something just doesn't seem right about any of it.



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