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Thread: Help... (TMI)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Help... (TMI)

    Today was fine. I felt completely normal, nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever, so no hint of stomach ache or nausea or ANYTHING. I was eating maybe an hour ago and out of nowhere I got a bad urge to go to the bathroom... (TMI TMI) And it was watery. I started freaking out and immediately took Pepto. After that, I had about 2 more bouts of almost literally just water... I don't even feel nauseous now, just really, really anxious. I'm shaking all over... No stomach pain,, no fever, just COMPLETELY random. I googled "diarrhea not sick" and there doesn't seem to be much input... Is it possible to just get a bout of watery diarrhea out of nowhere? I'm freaking out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Help... (TMI)

    what were you eating? dairy? greasy? it could be what you are wanted to come out. I would just hydrate and rest. you absolutely could just poop and that's it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Help... (TMI)

    Hmm... I had an egg (over easy) and toast for breakfast. I didn't have lunch (I usually skip it) and then I came home and ate A LOT (some packages of fruit snack, a sandwich, and a bag of popcorn). Then, after that, I got the urge. The pepto seems to have have done its job a bit (I've only gone like 1 more time). I don't know I'm just really scared because it was so sudden. Even now I don't feel sick or crampy (maybe a little bit of bloating but that could be from the pepto).

    On Saturday I ate greasy food (but I never usually react this horribly) and I don't usually eat eggs but I had one yesterday without any problems so I really just don't know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Help... (TMI)

    it's possible that after having a super empty stomach, that much food just hit you hard and triggered some spasms that moved the food along. what kind of sandwich? fruit snacks can make you go a bit. butter popcorn too depending on how much you ate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Help... (TMI)

    Possibly! I felt really bloated afterwards. Plus I drank about... 4 cups of green tea, though I've had more than that at one time and it hasn't bothered me. The sandwich was a tortilla wrap with turkey, bell peppers, cream cheese, cheese... I think that's it. It was leftovers, so I had some yesterday. The popcorn was microwave kettle corn... I'm not sure. Some sources say that it can just happen for absolutely no reason and nothing more happens.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Help... (TMI)

    Sounds like a bit of FP. Most people associate FP with being violently ill. And although you certainly can, most time it just presents as watery BM's. It will pass quickly and without incident. Your body just recognizes something it doesn't like in your intestines and it try's to push it out quickly. That's how watery stool is caused. Waste moving too quickly in your system. Pepto will help and you'll be fine. Happenes from time to time. Please remember to drink lots of liquids as it will help keep you hydrated. See a doctor if it continues. Take care and be well

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Help... (TMI)

    Really? Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it. The Pepto helped immensely. It;s just very odd because this has never happened to me before (at least that I can remember...). It's been a few hours and I don't really feel sick and my stomach is totally fine. Maybe I just needed to get something out. Thank you so much for your input you guys I'm still kind of freaked out that I'll get sick, but hey, I don't really feel sick I don't think so...



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