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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Anyone know anything about gastritis?

    Hi, I have been having exacerbated stomach issues recently due to stress. Every morning I have stomach ache and sometimes if I am unlucky I get awoken by stomach pain and nausea- and the sudden feeling as though I am going to v! I think you can imagine why as an emetophobe I find this distressing, last time it was at 5 am and I was left shaking like a leaf, had to take a gaviscon on top of my pills and it settled past 6am. The doctor felt my stomach a few weeks ago and said it felt like gastritis- I was put on 10mg omeprazole, and now 40mg, the 40mg seems to be helping a tiny bit but I have only started it a few days ago. I very stupidly googled gastritis and a lot of people said they were v*ing or were expecting too soon, it quite literally scared the daylights out of me and I am scared this is going to come to me soon. I am seeing a doctor tomorrow, but has anyone had gastritis and knows a bit about it? How long does it last and did it make you v? Any general advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast... USA

    Default Re: Anyone know anything about gastritis?

    Back when I was in high school (25 years ago), I had that. I never once v* from it though. Sometimes it would be hard pains in my belly, like I had to pass gas or something (which sucked for me...as I would never pass gas in school , it became painful)....but never had the urge to V*.
    Last edited by ren2005; 04-08-2015 at 09:19 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Anyone know anything about gastritis?

    Hi, my aunt suffers from gastritis caused by years of anorexia when she was young, it was diagnosed by an endoscopy, she has taken lansoprazole for years and it seems to work for her, also you should eat little and often so the stomach acid always has something to work on, avoid alcohol, spicy foods, smoking, chocolate and seeds and grains, they all can irritate the stomach lining. We emets could suffer gastritis easily if we have emet anorexia, ie we don't eat because having an empty stomach means we can't vomit, having a constant empty stomach gives the acid a chance to irritate the stomach lining, if it happens enough it can cause gastritis. My aunt hasn't vomited from gastritis, she describes it as an intense burning in her upper stomach and sometimes she feels her stomach tightening, the feelings are relieved by eating something, even if it is just a biscuit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Anyone know anything about gastritis?

    Yes to what Lizzie said. I've had a few friends who's kids have suffered this after a particularly bad strain of a sv*. Both ended up having their appendix out as the symptoms were similar, but unfortunately once they were in there they found gastritis instead of a faulty appendix. Overdosing on probiotics after a sv* prevents this in most cases. It's not pleasant for sure!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Anyone know anything about gastritis?

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    Yes to what Lizzie said. I've had a few friends who's kids have suffered this after a particularly bad strain of a sv*. Both ended up having their appendix out as the symptoms were similar, but unfortunately once they were in there they found gastritis instead of a faulty appendix. Overdosing on probiotics after a sv* prevents this in most cases. It's not pleasant for sure!
    I find this interesting, my story is long but the short of it is; Noro in 2010, diagnosed Post Infectious IBS in 2011, became emetophobic in 2011, suffered with this for quite some time. I just had my appendix out in January of this year and was doing really well. Since Friday I've been experiencing what they used to tell me is gastritis and I'm barely holding it together. I'm anxious and my stomach is feeling awful.



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