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Thread: Product Recall

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Product Recall

    Hello! I haven't been on much lately because I'm trying to keep my mind off of my phobia but, anyway...
    My mom bought some Blue Bell ice cream yesterday and I just found out that there was a recall on some Blue Bell products due to listeriosis a few weeks ago. From what I understand, they recalled products made in a facility in Oklahoma but, then expanded it to some made in Texas.

    I can't add links but it's on the FDA's website.

    The ice cream she bought isn't on the list and it has a different serial number (They recalled products with O, P, Q, R, S, and T. Mine has the serial number with an H.) but, I'm still wondering if it's okay to eat. No one has even opened it yet but, we don't have the receipt anymore so, we can't take it back. If it's back on the shelves it should be good right? The last recall was on April 7th. Would they have a fresh, safe batch out in stores by then?

    I probably sound really paranoid and I'm rambling. Ugh.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Washington State

    Default Re: Product Recall

    Yeah if the batch number and all that was different, you're totally good. They wouldn't ever leave that on the shelf with a recall like that happening! I honestly wouldn't worry about it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Product Recall

    As long as yours hasn't made it on the list then your safe. I'm the same way though, if know there is a recall on something, even if mine ISN"T on that list I'm worried they missed it or it hasn't been fully tested and will be added later. I get all kinds of freaked out over that kinda stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Product Recall

    I'm sure if it's back on the shelves it'll be fine. I mean, it was all over the news. There's no way they would restock without testing it first. I think I might just wait a few days to see if any more products are added to the list or if it's over.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Product Recall

    Well, my dad and I both ate some Saturday and this morning, they recalled all of their products which is exactly what I was afraid of. So far, we both feel fine, though. Hopefully it stays that way. It's going to be on my mind for the next few days.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Product Recall

    Listeria is a big problem for pregnant women, and can cause complications with elderly and immunosupressed. It is rather common in the environment - for example, people can spread it by improper handling of prepared foods (deli meat) and unpasteurized dairy products. Most healthy can consume something tainted with listeria and will show no symptoms. Symptoms are also mild. But sadly, a listeria infection can cause miscarriage or birth defects in an unborn baby. That is why it makes national news. If you are pregnant, inform your doctor and you can be given a course of antibiotics.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Product Recall

    my dad was talking about having d* just now. i'm really scared. i did have a migraine yesterday so, maybe that was the worst of it. i didnt eat as much as he did but, im still panicking.



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