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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Has anybody else had side effects when they stopped taking sertraline? I was on a low dose of this for 8 weeks when my doctor decided it wasn't for me and told me to stop taking them that was 5 days ago. For the past 2 days now ive been really lightheaded it goes on all days every 10 minutes or so and lasts a few seconds each time!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Yes yes and yes! Me (being the idiot that I am) forgot to get a repeat perscription on my Sertraline and had to wait until the bank holiday was over. I e-mailed the doctor's and they still haven't got back to me saying my prescription is ready so I've been off it for about a week now! I've certainly been feeling very spaced out and I've been getting heart palpitations, strange sensations in my head and dizziness.

    As far as I'm aware this is perfectly normal if you don't come off gradually and just stop abruptly. My mum also takes AD's and she said she gets the same feelings if she forgets to take her tablets.
    Last edited by hannahlucyx; 04-12-2015 at 11:13 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Oh thank god it's not just me I was really starting to freak out because it's such a weird feeling I'm praying the side effects don't last too long it never even crossed my mind about side effects coming off them especially as I was only taking half a tablet daily! Do you find anything at all helps with the dizziness? I took 2 paracetamol but it had zero effect and I'm terrified it's going to end up making me v*

  4. #4

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    I wouldn't freak out, although it seems like a horrible feeling, it'll just be your body getting used to not having the medication in your system. I'm freaking out about how my body will react when I start taking it again! I might start on half doses and work my way up.

    As for the dizziness I haven't actually taken anything to stop it, I'm just going to wait it out and see what happens. I've tried to just rest up in bed because I find walking about makes it worse (I've had 2 weeks off for Easter and it's been a godsend!) but I'm back at uni tomorrow so I'll see what happens with the effects then.

    I really doubt you'll v* even if the dizziness is causing you to feel n*. I'm pretty sure you already would have by now if you've been feeling like it for a couple of days. That's how I'm reassuring myself anyway haha!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Also, although you're not on Sertraline anymore, this forum might help you out! I always post when I have doubts about how the medication is making me feel and I'm sure a lot of people on there will have experiences about coming off AD's. It might be worth having a look and getting some reassurance


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Yea I'm the same I have two weeks off work just now for Easter holidays so I'm glad I'm not working while this is going on but I do have a 2 year old that Id like to be enjoying it with but today ive not left the house today because my head is spinning yesterday I thought it might just be tiredness or something but today I knew it was more than simply being tired.
    Unfortunatly I googled sertraline side effects when stopping taking it and v* was on there now ive made myself paranoid lol I will never take any long term tablets ever again and the new ones the doctor prescribed me are getting binned

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Checking out that link thank u

  8. #8

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    We'll that's good, you can focus on relaxing and getting yourself better! Aw bless you, I've been the same not being able to do much because of it so I'm hoping it goes away soon!

    Googling stuff is just the worse but it has to be done haha! My boyfriend always tells me off for it when I'm googling certain symptoms! I think v* is listed a side effect for almost every medication whether it's starting it or coming off it but it doesn't necessarily mean it will happen, it's just a warning. I'm 100% sure you'll be fine and not v*

    What new tablets did your doctor give you?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Yea I always tell myself I'm never googling again they make u think your dying and it might be a bit of heartburn lol but I can't help looking! I keep telling myself v* is on every single side effect ive ever read and it's never effected me that way I think Im actually not happy unless I'm worrying about some sort of symptom it's ridiculious lol

    I'm not sure what the doctor gave me and that's 100% honest lol I was flying to visit family the day after my appointment and I never even opened the box to read through it because when I went to pick it up in the chemist the pharmacist gave me a big booklet on how to take it and what to expect with it and said I need to be extremely careful if I work or drive because it causes severe drowsiness so I made up my mind then and there that I will not be taking whatever is in that box lol I cant I work full time and care for a baby I cannot risk being drowsy on meds that could cause an accident no way I'm going to try my hardest to overcome anxiety with every other option available other than pills because I can't take side effects lol

  10. #10

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    I'm exactly the same! I've been full of cold for the last 2 weeks and I've even been googling to see what the chances of me v*ing with it are! I think everyone with emet does it haha! I had a rough time with the Sertraline to start with but I halved the doses for a while before moving onto the full tablet.

    Yeah I understand, it seems like it's not worth feeling rubbish with the tablets especially if you have a busy lifestyle. Have you spoken to your doctor about being afraid of the side effects? My GP is fully aware of my emet and would never give me anything that had a high chance of making me s*. Before I was on the Sertraline I was given Diazepam to take as and when I needed it (if I was panicking a lot) rather than 24/7, you could explore this option with your doctor? Also have you explored the idea of therapy? This might be a better alternative than meds

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    That's what I was on just half a tablet daily I never moved up to the full tablet but even on the half I was getting side effects but that could just be me I literally can't take anything without getting cramps feelin s* etc .. One of my doctors prescribed me diazepam aswel to go with the sertraline but when I went to my other doctor he said she should of never gave me those it's not an answer lol ( it's very hard to get continual appointments with the same doctor in my doctors)
    im currently doing cbt meetings aswel in which I don't find great to be honest and ive bought the thrive book planning to start that after the holidays im really depending on that working because all I have left after all this is hypnosis and I'm not really a believer of that method plus it's ridiculously expensive if it wasn't to work :/

  12. #12

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    I'm sorry to hear that medication causes you bad side effects cause I've been so lost without mine and I was beginning to feel better before I had run out, now I'm back to square 1 :/ ah right, to be fair I think it's just a placebo the diazepam haha! But it works for me so I'll stick with it for now 🙈

    That's a shame about CBT because I heard that it can be really helpful but obviously it'll be different depending on the person. I've also heard good things about hypnosis! My boyfriend's bother had severe OCD but hypnosis worked wonders for him! But you're completely right about the cost!

    I hope you find something that works for you! You never know you might be able to overcome this fear all by yourself! I'm defiantly one for taking all the help I can get haha!
    Last edited by hannahlucyx; 04-13-2015 at 04:50 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Oh there would be nothing worse than doing so well on them then going back to square one because of a missed week I unfortunately am still getting side effects the dizziness and weird light headed sensations are as strong now as they were a few days ago I just want it to be over there's no way I want to go through it again hence y I will never take another pill like it ever again but I am a hypochondriac aswel so I'm probably making it worse shame because these pills defo work for some people just not me lol

  14. #14

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Honestly I think it's normal to still be feeling the effects of coming off them so I wouldn't worry! It's just a horrible feeling :/ I'm still feeling the dizziness and general 'fuzziness' but it seems to be subsiding a little. I'm sure yours will stop in a few days, stopping AD's is very harsh on your system and unfortunaltly were learning the hard way haha!

    Finally have my meds back so I can get back on track again! Keep us updated on how you feel in a few days which I'm sure will be much better!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Yea I think I've read too many horror stories online on how symthoms can last months lol ugh horrible! These pills must of been pretty strong even on a low dose to cause this lol

    hope your starting back on your pills helps u too and one day we're all anxiety and symptom free we can only hope

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast... USA

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    I have come off sertraline cold turkey in the past...and no V* ever. Just some dizziness, head zaps...etc. Anxiety...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    Yea that's exactly what I'm getting ive been off them nearly 2 weeks now and the brain zaps are still strong but the anxiety is quite high so I'm sure that's adding to the stress of worrying if I'm going to v* it's a horrible horrible feeling I would of appreciated a heads up from my doctor but I had no idea I would get side effects coming off them so as u can imagine I thought I was dying when I got my first brain zap a few days ago! Can u remember how long roughly it lasted for u? I was on half a tablet for about 8 or 9 weeks

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast... USA

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    I was on the highest dose for a couple years....it takes a good 2-3 weeks to feel almost completely fine. Well, for me it did. I got head zaps even when I missed one dose...but, I got used to them. I am on another SSRI now and do not get the zaps like I used to with Zoloft.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    you're not on Sertraline anymore

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Coming off sertraline - side effects

    2-3 weeks isn't too bad I suppose if you had been taking them for years mine seems to be easing up a little should I dare to say lol ! It's just extremely uncomfortable!

    And no saitamaop not on them anymore



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