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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Anxiety symptom?

    All day today ive felt a strange hunger feeling but I'm eating as normal just had dinner and the hunger feeling is still there does anyone think this may be a symtom of anxiety? I know people during winter had said there sv started with feeling really hungry then it just happened :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    After a lot of googling I came to my own conclusion, it was a build up of acid and trouble digesting whatever it was i ate, it gives u hunger pangs and u keep eating but it does no good must of been the extremely spicy pasta bake I had the night before scary horrible feeling if anyone else experiences it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    Sorry to hear you went through that but from your last post it sounds like it's gone now, phew it could have been a combination of acid and anxiety as well, the more you were thinking into it probably made it worse! I do get it while I'm anxious sometimes, although I also get acid too 😝 I always end up over feeding myself with it then feeling bloated and yuk and more panicky, sighhh!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    It's been coming and going since Tuesday now it's such a horrible feeling ive been taking buscopan for IBS and that's settling my stomach a bit but then it's followed by severe heartburn aw it's a nightmare worst and longest week ever I think if it was noro I would of v by now but can't help thinking it's the start of something because it's so peculiar. Oh how I wish I had arachnophobia instead lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    Sounds a lot like what I experienced when I had awful bouts of acid! It would feel like a hungery kind of feeling, but without the "growl" after, if you understand what I mean? I went to my doctor and he put me on Omeprazole which helped a lot.
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    I get the feeling you are describing quite often. It is terrible. Omeprazole does not help me. When it happens really nothing helps. I just have to wait it out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    I think it might of been a bout of acid but I have to say it was the longest 3 days of my life I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital at one point! Even after dinner I felt starving and it felt like if I didn't eat something quick I was going to v !! It's totally died down now and I hope to god it doesn't come back, ive never heard of omeprazole but il defo look into it anything is worth the try when u are feeling so awful

  8. #8

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    Good thread i must say. Everyone have discussed well about the symptom of Anxiety. It is not good for health specially for mental health. We always should avoid it and try to make our brain fresh and active. We always should avoid stress and depression.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    I talked about this with my doctor and he said that it is likely that, since I am so anxious about v*, that I have trained my brain to pick up on every little thing that happens in my stomach - even normal digestive movements. Apparently I perceive even benign digestion as potential nausea which causes anxiety which causes nausea which causes anxiety....etc.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    Yea I said it to my doctor aswel on my last appoinment and he prescribed me reflux acid tablets ive not taken them yet but I'm pretty sure it's down to anxiety as it only seems to come on when Im at work but then it will last all day long. I didn't have it at all the last 2 weeks when I was on annual leave but it's now came back 3 days into the working week

  11. #11

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    Quote Originally Posted by SanjayaWickramasinghe View Post
    Good thread i must say. Everyone have discussed well about the symptom of Anxiety. It is not good for health specially for mental health. We always should avoid it and try to make our brain fresh and active. We always should avoid stress and depression.
    Reply must.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    Not sure what to reply to your comment really because if it was just as easy as avoiding it then, without sounding too harsh, we wouldn't be in this mess

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    Just wanted to touch on what you said in the original message. Do you really feel hunger before a SV*? That can't be right? One more thing for me to worry about now... I was always told you completely lose your appetite.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Anxiety symptom?

    No ive touch wood never ever had this feeling before a sv .. This is what I heard from a couple of people in work and they mentioned feeling hungry first but before them ive never heard of this happening to anyone!



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