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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Hi. I'm completely new here, this is my first post aside from the "who are you" post, but I've been reading through some stuff. I never realized how scared I was of this stuff until I could completely relate with others' descriptions of how they feel.

    When I was growing up, if someone in my family was sick, I would move in with my grandparents until they were well again. I couldn't stand seeing, hearing, etc, and most of all I was scared that I was going to get sick myself. My family thought I was crazy.

    Now I've been married for 2 1/2 years, and I haven't been able to talk to my husband about it. Well, he knows how I feel, but we haven't had a good talk. He's been sickabout 3 or 4 times since we've been married. Once was while we were camping, which actually wasn't that bad since we were in a tent and he would go off to the bathrooms and I wouldn't have to deal with it. The other times, though, have been at home, and our bedroom is right next to the bathroom. The first time it happened I thought I'd go in and help him (I had no idea what I would do....). I was okay with it, until after it was over, and then I had to lay down on the bed because I was so weak, dizzy and shakey. The second time I had to actually leave the house afterwards and go for a drive to relax, and the third time I just stayed in bed and plugged my ears. I've always been this way. I can remember crying and crying forever when I didn't feel well when I was little, and kept asking my mom if I was going to be sick every time I felt a little something different in my stomach. I'm convinced that I was so worried about it I would make myself sick.

    When I'm not feeling well, the first thing I do is take a Gravol. I have hot flashes and get sweaty, shake and my legs get weak. For some reason I want to get out of the house into the fresh air, and usually go for a drive until I start to get sleepy (when the Gravol kicks in), then go home again and sleep for 4-6 hours, feeling fine when I wake up. I'm just so scared I'm going to be sick. I never understood how people can be so calm about it, as if it's no big deal.

    I've tried looking at really disgusting pictures on the internet, and have no problem with that. I have no problem saying the word or writing it (but I assume that because most posts have v**** in instead, many people have trouble with the word, so I won't use it either). I've even found a smiley (you know, those little smiley-faces that you use on a computer, called an "emoticon" here) that has a green-faced smiley v*******, and I'm okay with that.I'm an Anglican priest, and a lot of my work takes me into nursing homes and hospitals where I can see all sorts of stuff. I've been with many people when they've died, and a few times there's been v**** involved, yet somehow I'm able to separate it and deal with it, even cleaning up a few times, because it's part of my work, and I'm able to see past it to the person. I have no idea how I do it... just auto-pilot, I guess. My mom told me that it would be different when I had kids, which we haven't yet, but from hearing from others, it doesn't sound like the case.

    I think it's the sound of others, and the feel for myself that I'm scared of. I hope I'm not being too graphic, but I can't believe I can relate so well with a group of people.Edited by: alongmoore
    \"... and but for the sky there are no fences facing....\"-- Bob Dylan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    welcome I'm new here too, just joined today.

    That is really admirable that you work with sick people. ^_^ I am a pretty severe case of emet and couldnt do it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    I'm with Lucinda. I admire you for doing what you
    do. I couldn't clean up a strangers v*. I have 2 kids, they are
    now 18 & 19 and I have cleaned it up. Boy, it was hard. The
    look and the smell was very difficult to deal with.

    When I feel sick, I drive around or walk around. Just getting out of the house makes me feel better.

    When I was little my parents would party. They'd both come drunk and be
    v*. I hated hearing all the gagging and the spashing(sorry guys if this
    is graphic) I would lay in my bed and pull at my stomach with one hand
    and have my one ear against the pillow as hard as I could, with my
    other hand plugging up my other ear. Back then there were no cd
    players to screen out noises.

    I remember thinking if it could only be morning this would be over. For some reason I felt sunlight made me feel safer.

    Welcome both of you alongmoore and Lucinda



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Welcome to the site alongmoore. You will get so much support here. The people are great!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Hi and Welcome to the site...you will find great comfort here...Kate



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