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Thread: E Coli?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: E Coli?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leslie735 View Post
    I feel dumb, I always tried to help them when they would PM me. I didn't suspect anything until I saw this thread. Everyone's emet is different, I just figured theirs was more severe than most.
    Ditto. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and believe that most people here are like me, just doing whatever to keep their heads above water. I've also been so far gone in panic mode that I can't think straight let alone communicate coherently, so I come here to find like-minded people who can help me through sort through the madness my brain is creating.
    If anything, i always felt sorry for OP. I know as a 40+ year old woman how terrified and helpless i can feel so i felt bad for a young girl who seemed so scared. Guess I'm the dummy!
    “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
    ― John Milton, Paradise Lost

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: E Coli?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shubertgoddess View Post
    There is a TREMENDOUS difference between people being here to support each other with their fears and work through them together and someone like you, who sends insane messages to members such as:

    "So my friend touched my backpack and then i got a book out of my backpack and i think i put my finger up my nose, can i get noro?"

    And then when i tell you no, youre fine, you insist and give me an even crazier scenario only to LATER find out that the friend in question wasnt even sick to begin with. And that's not even the craziest scenario you've come up with.

    Then you you start posts like these and never come back to them.... Except this time, which I suspect is only because people were calling you out in your bullshit

    People here have tried to help you -myself included - but the help you need is WAY out of the realm of "support" which is what this forum is for. And before you come back at me about anything, im old enough to be your mother, so step off.
    I SO agree with you!! She's ,messaged me before saying ridiculous things like "oh i was eating lunch and my friend touched my fork, but she wasn't sick, and the fork touched my sleeve, i think my sleeve touched my mouth. can i get noro" like NO. You can't. first of all, noro does not work that way. second of all, even if your friend HAD v*d before touching your fork, you still would not get sick unless she v, touched said v, and did not wash her hands. but people usually wash their hands after being ill, so i would think its unlikely for that to happen anyway.
    Like I understand that some emets freak out over a lot of different things, but the things Sadie freaks out about are just so unrealistic to me. Plus she usually has bad grammar, and all of a sudden its perfect. And who the hell just "forgets" to wash their hands after touching meat from a freshly killed cow??? I'm sorry but this makes ZERO sense to me at all.
    rant over.
    Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
    Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you
    Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
    --- Rachel Platten "Stand By You" ♥

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: E Coli?

    Wow. I've also tried helping but as you all said, she gave me these crazy "situations" where she couldve gotten noro. I'm with you on this, possible troll. How sad.

    How can one forget to wash hands after handling raw meat? My parents have bought a cow, got it slaughtered and cut up, and I was wearing gloves marking the bags, didnt touch the meat and I still washed my hands like 3 times when I got home. Ridiculous!
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: E Coli?

    she is a legit whackadoo.

    end of story.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Derby, UK

    Default Re: E Coli?

    I've also had a few panic pms from her, in one she told me she was 15 and hasn't left the house in three weeks and she lived in Leicester (uk). I've been duped like all of you and tried my hardest to help, I thought her problem was sorted and she felt better then something else comes into the equation*and it*starts again.
    I feel sorry for ppl that can't admit they have a really bad problem, I do and have found help. I would never dream of bombarding ppl with silly scenarios just to talk.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Default Re: E Coli?

    maybe the fact that we called her out has made her go away because I haven't seen any posts since this one...at least not ones she started. I feel really bad for her...she (or he) clearly needs serious help.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: E Coli?

    Sadie, if you are not trolling, your phobia is at the point where you have got to get help. There is nothing shameful about therapy, and it could truly change your life for the better. And trust me, YOU NEED IT.

    If you are trolling, you still need therapy but for other reasons.



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