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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    I've been watching the new reality show called hell's
    kitchen. This is a show where new chefs are competing to win
    their own restaurant. There are 2 teams(red and blue)

    The head chef is sooo freakin' mean, rude and humiliating to the contestants.

    Last week the two teams had to cook a full course meal at hell's kitchen for the patrons.

    The teams were in such a frenzy trying to prepare the food perfectly
    and on time, whilst chef is cussing them and thowing food at them.

    The one team served a table of women and after one of the women tasted the food she leaned over beside the table and v*[img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img].
    I thought this might be staged but I really don't think so. The woman
    was holding the napkin over her mouth and sweat was dripping off her
    face while she was running to the restroom.

    This is exactly why I get upset eating in restaurants. My stomach is in knots wondering if someone will get sick.

    A girl I used to work with worked at red lobster. She said one day a
    person v* and then a bunch of others started. Her manager threw a
    tablecloth over the v* and some people just kept eating. EWWWW
    how could anyone eat after that?!?!

    I'm so sorry to post ugly things, that show is just unbelieveable.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Yes! My Mom watches
    the show, and I get drawn into it. I agree, Ramsy (the chef) is so
    terribly mean to those poor cooks. Anyways, as far as the v* in the
    restruants, I agree. Thats why I always prefer TAKE OUT..if I *must*
    eat restruant food.</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I haven't seen the show but my friend watches it and is hooked!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United Kingdom


    I watched some of the first series we had over here but they do it with really irritating celebrities which I avoid because they annoy me. Gordon Ramsay isa legend though....he has another show over here called Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (or soemthing similar) which is quite good. One show I cannot watch however is Life Of Grime. Ugh.
    <center><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><font size=\"4\"><font color=Magenta>I\'d Reach for the stars but I can\'t find my arms...</font></font>

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  5. #5
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    I love that show. I've been watching it since it first started. Chef is so mean, but he's so funny. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    The first series was on over here a while ago - I looove Gordon Ramsay [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Fortunately nobody was sick when I saw it [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

    I've also been watching Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare's - I think he's great [img]smileys/smilies_14.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I have never seen that show, but I want to.

    As for the vomit thing, that is scary. I mean, all ya' want to do is go to a restaurant and eat some good food, but then ya' end up getting sick, either from food poisoning or a chef that cannot cook. Or something else. I mean, of course, no matter where you eat, there is really always always a possibility of getting sick from the food (unless it is just "safer" foods like donuts, bread, other stuff), but it should not be likely at all. AND the chefs should know how to cook well!!!! But I understand they were under stress having to listen to that jerk dude, so it was not really their fault. I guess.

    And for the "eating after seeing someone vomit" thing, that is freakin' sick! I mean, they tell you to throw away food if a person has vomited close to it. AND how can someone NOT lose their appetite after seeing vomit? Sick...

    LizzyEdited by: youngemet222

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    I watch Hell's Kitchen and I saw the episode you're talking about! It sure did reinforce my fear of eating in restaurants! I mostly only get take out, except for the rare occasion that my family wants to go out to eat. But when I do that, I feel safe because I know they will take care of me if I got ill or something. I haven't v'd in like 17 years or so, so I'm not too worried about that, at least until I feel severe nausea. Then I get scared. But I know what you mean - the restaurant thing is something I struggle with also. I dread going there and I prefer only eating at home. It's hard though when others in the family want to go out. Ugh.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Andrea- I'm with you on the eating out
    dilemma. My husbands lOVES to eat out. We live in Houston
    and there are many restaurants. He's like a kid in a candy store
    when trying a new place.

    I get so nervous. I need to sit by a window so I can look out and
    try to calm myself down. I hate the NOISE of all the people
    talking. It makes my stomach tight.

    My husband orders gross things like, some type of seafood with a
    white sauce slapped over the top with things floating about. EWWWW!

    I try to order something plain and simple. Salad and water LOL.

    I go through this about every 2 weeks. I hate it when it rolls around



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Texas-darlin / Renee,

    Thanks for the reply What did you mean you go thru it every 2 weeks? I wasn't sure what you were talking about. Do you mean that's how often your hubby likes to eat out? I know what you mean about that. Mine LOVES to eat out too. I finally got him to the point where he's content on getting take out a lot, so that's good. But I still occasionally have to hear the "wanna eat out tonight?" crap. LOL [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

    By the way, you're my first reply here. I just joined a few nights ago.I've been an emet for many years now. I haven't done "it" since about age 18 and I'm 34 now. (35 in July) I hope to never "v" again!!! [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    In your note, you said your "husbands" - youDO only have ONE of those, right? Just teasing. LOL!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]


    Edited by: ownedbyacat
    <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><font size=\"2\">

    If you want to enjoy the rainbow, you must first endure the rain.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I used to have major eating out issues, from the fact I was ill once in my school dinner hall! eating out was horrible for me! But then I found a place I like to eat and then my ex GF took me out to a pizza place and it kinda carried on from there. Now I will eat out all the time. I never worried about people getting sick near me when I am eating. I do sometimes worry about people having contact with my food. If I am not feeling good I choose food where contact is minimal.

    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


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    I have to sayi know most of you are from the USA but im from the UK and have been to Claridges-which is Gordon Ramsay's restaurant and he is fab! The shows he does are all for effect and the TV companies love getting shots of people being ill/fighting etc just for the viewers (yes, not very pleasant).

    I worry about eating out too, but I dont worry that people will throw up over the table! Just in the toilets and outside etc I hope we can all get over this issue......</TD></TR>
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    You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.

    x Felicity x

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I am going to watch this show and see what its all about. Sounds pretty good

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    I enjoy reading the replies..they all make me feel
    normal. This phobia is something I keep secretive, because it's so

    Andrea, I guess I get caught up in what I'm typing LOL. I have one
    husband(two might be better!) I meant eating out about every 2
    weeks. He'd eat out every week if I'd go, bleh. He wants to
    try this place called Vernon's country catfish next week. I like
    some seafood, but lake fish, forget it. I've read catfish are bottom
    feeders..YUCK..they eat all the crap the other fish won't.

    I haven't v* since I was about 11 and I'm 41 now. I will do
    anything not to v*. I will go walking in my neighborhood at 3am if my
    stomach hurts. I seem to feel better in the fresh air.
    Funny huh, I don't worry about running into a freak in the middle of
    the night just as long as I don't v*!

    Fliss~Is the food at Claridges really good? Can you hear Ramsey in the
    kitchen yelling? LOL! I don't watch reality shows often because I
    realize people are over-acting and being told to do so. I do
    enjoy cooking so Hell's kitchen is right up my alley. Does anyone
    know whoever wins, will they own the restaurant Hell's kitchen?



  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    It's on tonight. I can't wait. It should be pretty good. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Haa Haa, I watched tonight and thought elsie would go, but it was the guy with the glasses I liked him...

    This show is sooo entertaining!!!



  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I watched the show once, when it premered...isn't there a guy named Dewberry on it or something?

    Anyway I used to work at this Chinese resturant and I was a busser and one day some lady V* right on the table like infront of EVERYONE. My boss told me to clean it up because it was in my section. I told her that it wasn't in my job description and I would rather quit then clean it up. Well finally a waitress cleaned it up but I steered clear of that table for as long as possible.

    I worked in another resturant where someone V*ed in the bathroom. Once again I was a busser and it was my job to check and clean the bathroom. Once again I said I wouldn't do it because it wasn't in my job description so we flipped a coin and THANK GOD I didn't have to go clean it up.

    As for someone V* in a resturant while I'm eating, that's never happened. If it did happen I would freak out and think that something was wrong with my food. I can't believe that people would just keep EATING if something like that happened!

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Shoot I missed it!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by texas-darlin
    I haven't v* since I was about 11 and I'm 41 now. I will do anything not to v*. I will go walking in my neighborhood at 3am if my stomach hurts. I seem to feel better in the fresh air. Funny huh, I don't worry about running into a freak in the middle of the night just as long as I don't v*!


    That cracked me up where you said you weren't afraid of some freak on the road - just of v'ing! I know what you mean, my friend! Ugh. When you feel nauseous and the anxiety is high, nothing else matters butlessening that awful feeling. I find that my heating pad works wonders onminimizing the nausea. I don't know if I would be brave enough to leave the house feeling that way, but I know some say taking a walk in the fresh air helps. I prefer staying inside laying down with a heating pad on my tummy and the tv on to keep my mind off of it as much as possible.

    By the way, I added you to my Buddy List here. You're my first one I joined this forum a few days ago and it's been really helpful.

    Andrea (in Indiana)

    <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><font size=\"2\">

    If you want to enjoy the rainbow, you must first endure the rain.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Monica, Dewberry was one of the first ones to
    go. Ramsey kept calling him pillsbury dough boy!!!!!!!!! As
    for being the busser in a restaurant, there is NO way I would clean up
    someone's p* I'd be walking out the door yelling out, "I
    quit", before they even asked me to clean it up. Even if you had
    lost the toss of the coin, would you have done it??

    Andrea(owned by a cat) I'm owned by 2 boston terriers and an
    african grey parrot. Since my sons are grown up these are my
    babies now. One of my dogs has cancer and it's been a rough road
    with surgeries, appointments with oncologists and such. Basically, now
    there is nothing more that can be done.

    She will be 11 in October and we live every day to the fullest with her.

    So you live in Indiana! I actually moved here from Kentucky. My
    husband had two job offers before moving to Houston. One was in
    Rushville Indiana and the other was in Marion.

    Oh and the heating pad thing..I've never tried that idea. I find
    that when I feel sick my stomach feels hot already, does that make

    I like to watch tv too when I'm not feeling good. It does divert my attention from the anxiety.

    I've never used the "buddy list" before. I will put you on mine too! I
    visit many different forums, and most tend to be cliquey, but this one
    isn't. Many people care here, and each and every one of us knows what
    the other goes through.

    Your friend,



  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I just had to reply that I never saw the show, just heard of it, but the eating at restaurants thing, for me, it's scary because I am afraid the cook or the waitress is sick. I don't really think of other people who are also eating out.... unless I start thinking about was this person or that person sick yesterday? It's that sort of thing that goes through my head.

    I was working at McDonalds when I was in high school and they rotated assigning people to be the one who would wipe down tables, sweep the floor,clean trays, etc. and luckily this day I wasn't that person... this will be graphic, so be warned. One day someone was sick in the bathroom and they asked two people to go and clean it up and they did. They said it was all over the walls, floor, even the ceiling. That image has haunted me ever since I heard about it.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    \"This too shall pass\"

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    OMG!! A horror movie in the making. They
    must have had that projectile v* right?? How the hell did it get
    on the ceiling??!![img]smileys/smilies_30.gif[/img]

    I just couldn't clean up the v*, I just couldn't. Your co-workers
    should've have told your high patooty manager to take his minimum wage
    job and shove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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