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Thread: help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default help

    Argh pls help. Was just on a train when the boy opposite me had to throw up. Poor lad. But I'm now terrified that I could have inhaled particles. Please help, v scared. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: help

    That's what I'm always afraid of with public transport but I'm sure you were careful with it and your chances of catching anything are low. Plus it's very likely he was sick from something not contagious in which case you're 100% safe.

    A few years ago I was on my way home from Disney World with my mom and sisters. During the bus ride from the resort to the airport a small child became sick. We were sitting at the back of the bus near the bathroom so they walked right past us. He got sick a little on the floor next to us and then his mom left the bathroom door open as he was getting sick (there wasn't enough room for them to both be in there with the door shut so it had to be open. i was a nervous wreck the next 2 days but none of our group ever got sick. So try not to worry much or you may give yourself false symptoms from anxiety ( easier said than done, I know!) hang in there!



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