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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Strep throat and emetophobia

    Okay, so I recently came back from senior trip and I managed to pick up strep throat, yay me. I slept over my boyfriends last night because I thought "hey, probably just another sore throat from allergies" until I woke up with bad pain in my throat around 1am. I went to the bathroom and looked in my throat and saw white spots and started freaking out. Long story short, I kind of panicked, woke my boyfriend up and drove home at 3 in the morning. I hate waking up in the middle of the night because 1. I can't get immediate help from anyone and 2. In the past, every time I had a SV, I woke up and V*ed. Even though my stomach felt fine, every time I get some type of illness or feel under the weather, I automatically think "Oh no, what if this leads to V* or a SV." I went and got tested for strep this morning and lucky me, I tested positive. I'm on antibiotics and have been eating yoghurt with probiotics. So now I'm up alone, it's 2am, and I'm terrified to V*. I have an acidy feeling in my stomach and feel hungry, but I'm afraid to eat. I hate being up by myself at night for reasons previously stated.

    So the point of this post is 1. What are my chances of V*ing and 2. I could just use some reassurance or someone to talk to :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Re: Strep throat and emetophobia

    Hello Sabrineeer
    I think it's mostly children that throw up with strep throat, I've caught it from my children and although I felt a bit yucky in the belly I wasn't ever sick. I make my children milkshakes or smoothies when they have a sore throat or don't feel like eating, they soothe the throat and stop the acidy belly. Middle of the night anxiety is the worst, hope you are asleep now and feel better when you wake up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Strep throat and emetophobia

    A bit of a late response so the strep throat is probably gone by now, but in case it isn't or anyone else has/gets it, I had it a few years ago. Didn't know what it was until it I went to the doctor a couple days later because the fever increased to 105.3. I never actually had any problems with my stomach when it happened. All I felt was a fever.

    Anyone who gets strep throat, I don't think it's likely at all that you'll be affected in this way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Strep throat and emetophobia

    i've had strep throat a few times as a teen/young adult and it never made me sick. it just hurt a lot but the antibiotics take care of it pretty fast. you should be feeling better in a few days!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Philadelphia, PA

    Default Re: Strep throat and emetophobia

    I get strep at least 2ce a year and I've never ever ever thrown up with it.

    "Look for love and evidence that you're worth keeping." PJ

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Rhode Island, USA

    Default Re: Strep throat and emetophobia

    I have never gotten sick from strep throat



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