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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Here's what was on the net today. Some of the foods like the packaged salads and green onions suprised me!!

    </font>10 Dirtiest Foods That Can Make You Sick</font>

    your refrigerator. Take a good look inside. Chances are you have some
    of the dirtiest--and most dangerous--foods in there. Eat them and you
    could get very sick.

    Men's Health
    magazine has identified the 10 dirtiest foods--from bad burgers and
    dangerous deli meats to hazardous health foods. </font>

    The Dirty 10:</font>

    1. Chicken
    one study cited by Men's Health, more than 40 percent of chicken
    samples contained bacteria that can sicken, including E. coli.</font>

    2. Ground Beef
    because of the way ground beef is made through heavy processing, it has
    the potential to be loaded with deadly E. coli bacteria and more.</font>

    3. Ground Turkey
    in four packages of ground turkey tested by Men's Health contained
    bacteria. This becomes a greater concern as more people substitute
    ground turkey for ground beef thinking it's a healthier alternative.</font>

    4. Oysters
    Beware of raw oysters! Many are tainted not only with bacteria, but also the Norovirus.</font>

    5. Eggs
    incredible edible egg is also associated with more than 600,000 cases
    of food poisoning each year and more than 300 deaths. Cook eggs
    completely and never eat them raw.</font>

    6. Cantaloupe
    rinds often contain dangerous bacteria that are hard to wash away. Cut
    through that rind with a knife and the bacteria can be transferred to
    the fruit.</font>

    7. Peaches
    This favorite juicy summer fruit is dangerous because the peach fuzz makes it difficult to clean off all the pesticides.</font>

    8. Pre-Packaged Tossed Salads
    bagged salads are one of the greatest conveniences of the past decade,
    but they can also be one of the biggest sources of food poisoning since
    the contents are often contaminated with E. Coli, according to Men's

    9. Cold Cuts
    It looks
    like delicious shaved ham or turkey to you. But it could contain the
    dangerous bacteria Listeria, which is especially risky for infants and
    the elderly. Listeria can be spread by the deli slicer, and it can even
    grow in a cold refrigerator. What can you do? Experts advise you to
    transfer the deli meat to a fresh package when you get home and only
    buy enough for one week at a time.</font>

    10. Scallions
    these green onions are left uncooked, they have the potential to become
    bacterial breeding grounds. They've also been linked to fatal outbreaks
    of Hepatitis-A.




  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Something else to worry about. LOL! &gt;_&lt;

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Man are you serious? I'm never eating any of those foods AGAIN! I used to put Scallions in my OMLETS! Now I'm never eating Eggs or Scallions again! Or cold cuts...man. I hardly ever eat chicken anyway, rarely do I eat ground beef, and I mean it's in Cantelopes and Peaches? My GOD! I'm like freaking out! I'm never eating anything like that again! I'm going to memorize the list so I don't eat those foods! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Is freaking out*

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    No offense, but this post shouldn't have been created. It's only going to create more fear and increase to people's anxiety on this forum. In defense, I eat almost everything on that list everyday and I rarely get sick. Heck in 2 years I've had a light cold once. Don't give into F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real).If these foods really imposed such a great risk the FDA would be all over them to make the foods better for consumption. Don't worry people, keep on eating =)
    AIM - r311dude (don\'t be shy, I love to chat)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    oh great...now my list of "safe" foods is smaller!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States



    You are offending me! I posted this so people can be AWARE.
    There's no sense in sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich.

    In no way did I post this to scare anybody. The way the article reads
    to me is to be careful(most of us here are more careful than the
    average person when it comes to eating).

    I too eat most of the foods listed. I was just giving everyone a head's up.

    GEE thanks,



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    For what it's worth, I just have to reply to this post.

    I have been eating most of these foods for YEARS (since before most of you were born) and have never had food poisoning. If you cook everything thoroughly, there will be no problem. Believe me, I am a very phobic emet and would be the first to admit there is a problem if I really feel there is.

    You just have to use some common sense and you will be fine. I always cook things fully. Any bacteria that is present will be killed. I also use the bagged salad all the time. Once it looks wilted or old, then I throw it out. Just be sure to check the expiration date and pick out the one that is the freshest.

    I also eat peaches and other fresh fruit. Theyare not really that hard to clean. There again just use some common sense. Don't cut them up on a board where you have had raw meat.

    Please don't let the above information get to you. Most foods are fine if (I repeat) you just use common sense. It does not scare me at all because I know how to prepare them, and if prepared properly, these foods are very safe.

    R311dude was right on when he said that the FDA would be in an uproar if there was a great risk concerning these foods.

    Try not to worry!


    PS: Texas-darlin, I mean no offense. I just want to remind everyone that you can be safe if you are careful.Edited by: giff1949

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    To clear this up for all who are freaking out...

    I'll go by item so you can follow...

    1) Chicken... well DUH! Everyone and I mean EVERYONE should know that chicken should be cooked and cooked ALL THE WAY THROUGH to at least 160 degrees before eating. Of course raw chicken is dangerous, this is not new news.

    2) Ground Beef... (see chicken) subsititute "160 degrees" to say the d*mn thing should be BROWN all the way through... ABSOLUTELY NO PINK ALLOWED!

    3)Ground Turkey... Okay, I don't even know what this is... but let's just say that you should follow both ruleone and two for this one :O)

    4) Raw Oysters... the only person I've ever known who has eaten raw oysters got incredibly ill afterwards. I would personally NEVER eat them anyway and anyone who lives near the ocean could tell you this. Nevermind they are one of the biggest sources of the norwalk virus.

    5) Eggs... again DUH! Actually double DUH! on this one.

    6) Cantaloupe... well, I didn't know this one, but I always cut the rind off, cut the fruit and then wash it before I eat it

    7) Peached... I think that peach fuzz is nasty anyway... simple solution, peel the fuzzy part off and wash the fruit... tastes just as good!

    8) Pre-packaged salads... okay, for the record, NEVER trust any "pre-washed" vegetable. Packaged baby carrots, salads, and other veggies should be REwashed before serving... nough said!

    9)Deli Meat... so change packages and eat it within a week...

    10) Scallions... wash the dang things in boiling water :O)

    So really, everyone needs to STOP freaking out. This report is totally NOT saying anything that we didn't already know. Of course if you test raw meat you're going to find TONS of bacteria... this is NOTHING new!

    My journal

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Yes, I agree with dude and giff. I've never gotten sick from any of these foods. I honestly from the bottom of my heart do not mean anything disrespectful to the person posting the article. I think that this article should not frighten anyone. It's one of those articles that gives just enough info. to be alarming to people who worry about this stuff without giving any definitive information in order to allow people to judge the true extent of the purported risks.

    10 Dirtiest Foods That Can Make You Sick

    Open your refrigerator. Take a good look inside. Chances are you have some of the dirtiest--and most dangerous--foods in there. Eat them and you could get very sick.

    Men's Health magazine has identified the 10 dirtiest foods--from bad burgers and dangerous deli meats to hazardous health foods. What was the process used to "identify" these 10 dirtiest foods?? How was this determined?

    The Dirty 10:

    1. Chicken
    In one study cited by Men's Health, more than 40 percent of chicken samples contained bacteria that can sicken, including E. coli. O.K. What study? What was the scope of this study? What parameters? From where were the samples of chicken gleaned?

    2. Ground Beef
    Simply because of the way ground beef is made through heavy processing, it has the potential to be loaded with deadly E. coli bacteria and more. Well, this proclamation definitely didn't take a rocket scientist to "identify." We've all heard plenty of stories about beef and e.coli and mad cow and so forth.

    3. Ground Turkey
    One in four packages of ground turkey tested by Men's Health contained bacteria. This becomes a greater concern as more people substitute ground turkey for ground beef thinking it's a healthier alternative. O.K. in terms of cholestorol (sp?) and fat content, ground turkey is a healthier alternative. And you can't get mad cow from it. What type of bacteria was found in these packages anyway?

    4. Oysters
    Beware of raw oysters! Many are tainted not only with bacteria, but also the Norovirus. Well, I never would have guessed that there was a problem with raw seafood.

    5. Eggs
    The incredible edible egg is also associated with more than 600,000 cases of food poisoning each year and more than 300 deaths. Cook eggs completely and never eat them raw. Again, what is the source of the statistics? How are these 600,000 cases per year traced to the egg? I've never been sick from eggs, and I have been eating them all the time for 30 years.

    6. Cantaloupe
    Cantaloupe rinds often contain dangerous bacteria that are hard to wash away. Cut through that rind with a knife and the bacteria can be transferred to the fruit. Huh? "the bacteria can be transferred to the fruit." O.K., what are the odds of that happening? What bacteria is this? How "often" do the cantaloupe rinds contain that? Please. Who the heck ever got sick from eating cantaloupe? I guess they can't cite any vague numbers here.

    7. Peaches
    This favorite juicy summer fruit is dangerous because the peach fuzz makes it difficult to clean off all the pesticides. [b][i]Unless we eat organic f

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004












    We use these acronyms in AA and they can be applied here too. Thanks for the reminder r311dude. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

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  11. #11
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    I think that all anybody needs to realise here is that it says these foods MAY cause E-Coli or whatever. That doesn't mean that they WILL definitely do so. Even chicken contaminate with it will be safe to eat if stored, handled, prepared and cooked properly. There is no need to freak about these foods, there is no reason why now you've read that article you'll suddenly get ill from these foods. Plus they completely go other things we've all read anyway. (I read that packaged salad was washed in chlorine which is bad from the view of people who like their food as organic as possible but not bad to eat - and will get rid of any possibility of E-Coli being present)

    I don't think there is any reason to fear these foods just from reading the article. Go eat! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
    <center><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><font size=\"4\"><font color=Magenta>I\'d Reach for the stars but I can\'t find my arms...</font></font>

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  12. #12
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    The tossed salad thing was surprising to me, but I am still going to continue eating it anyways, because I have never gotten sick from it, and I'll just take the risk. I mean, we let ourselves not enjoy thigs because we hear something that some people may get food poisoning from it, but I have never heard, before this article, of people getting sick from salad from E Coli. Also, I have never gotten sick from a peach. I can see oysters and chicken being on the list for sure (even though I eat chicken a lot), but I am not going to stop eating salad and peaches because of it.But I did think the list was quite interesting.Sorry if that sounded kind of rude.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Another scare tactic. These aren't the only foods that can make
    people sick. Quite frankly what DOES make people sick is
    restaurant employees NOT washing their hands. Outbreaks of
    norwalk virus are almost always traced to one person who was sick and
    spread the sickness.

    Most of the warnings in this list are a result of not properly cooking
    the foods, cross contamination and not adequately washing
    fruits/vegetables. All fruits and vegetable should be soaked in
    vegetable/fruit wash, scrubbed and dried. We forget that there
    are also pesticides and herbicides that we don't want to eat
    either. Eggs are fine as long as they are cooked well. My
    husband got salmonella from eggs as did my sister. - both on different
    occasions. Both of them landed in the hospital and were cultured
    so confirmation of salmonella was made. In each instance, they
    ate undercooked (over light for my husband and scrambled for my sister)
    eggs in a restaurant. Since then they both order the eggs very
    very well done.

    What we practice at home is one thing. For me, the questionable
    times are in restaurrants. I feel very uneasy about the health
    standards of most of them. Just take a look at the bathrooms.


  14. #14
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    United States


    texas-darlin: </span>If this offends you sorry but I do agree that this is a bad article.

    Some of the stuff is informative like the cantelope. I didn't know that
    and they do have a good point about the knife contaminating the fruit
    inside if you cut through it. However the parts about the chicken,
    beef, trukey, and eggs only did harm.

    Most normal people and certainly all emets know that those foods can
    give you food poisoning if you don't cook them well enough. They should
    have given guidelines for how to cook all of those foods to make them
    safe but they only did for eggs. I cook chicken all the time but after
    reading that I felt like even cooking it isn't enough and maybe I
    shouldn't eat it at all.

    PS: I'll never be able to do that because I eat that way more than I do
    red meat, but I know I'll be paranoid for a while about it.

  15. #15
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    United States


    I think giff said it best: COMMON SENSE! If you want to really think about it ANYTHING can make you sick but than again nothing may make you sick. If you thoroughly wash your fruits and veggies (even those prepackaged, pre washed like the salad) and cook thoroughly your meats, check expiration dates, make sure it smells/looks right than you should be fine.And eggs, duh cook them! I dont' think any of us will be eating them raw anytime soon lol. YUCK! Also wash your hands after touchingeggs and theirshells.There is always a risk involved in eating anything, even safe foods but there's more of a risk in not eating any of these foods. I'd be willing to bet $ that you have a better chance of getting sick because you have completely depleated your immune system by NOT eating the right foods than you do for getting poisoned by any of these foods. Overall I think it's like anything else we do. precautions! When someone around us is sick, we wash our hands before touching our face etc, we make sure we are "clean", same thing w/ food. Also i'd like to say I don't believe that texas darling intended to "scare" anyone, i think she really felt it would be good to inform. The only problem w/ that is that alot of us on here (me included at times) are very suseptible to this kind of info and take it to the extreme. If we take it for what it is and nothing more than everyone should be fine and just eat as they always have. Especially if you've eaten these things before, really think about it, it's never made you sick so why should it now.
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States


    Stella is right.....odds are way higher you getting sick from an employee not washing their hands than food being contaminated...i wont eat at fast food joints that don't use gloves anymore...i'm so worried when I eat out anywhere nowadays cuz what if they did't wash their hands?...almost everytime norwalk is infected people it's traced to am employeee who is or was sick....I hate that I know so much about this virus!!Makes me CRAZYLike everyone has said as long as we wash and cook foods properly everything will be fine...just use common sense...I would think an emet wouldn't have to be told this.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by texas-darlin
    You are offending me! I posted this so people can be AWARE. There's no sense in sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich.

    In no way did I post this to scare anybody. The way the article reads to me is to be careful(most of us here are more careful than the average person when it comes to eating).

    I too eat most of the foods listed. I was just giving everyone a head's up.

    GEE thanks,


    Umm, thanks for the nice comment. I'm not trying to start an argument here. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing (in my honest opinion).
    AIM - r311dude (don\'t be shy, I love to chat)

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    United States


    Just because these foods are known to carry viruses doesn't mean it's going to make you sick. I eat chicken all the time, in fact, it's one of the foods I LIVE off of, and I've been fine. I've eaten it for years, and NOTHING has happened to me. I eat almost every other thing on this list, and nothing's happened to me. As long as you get it from a reputable source, and in some cases, cook it thoroughly, you should be fine.

    Come to think of it, ANYTHING you eat could cause you food poisoning. ANYTHING. Eating the wrong bread at the wrong time could have crappy consequences-- however, what are the odds of that happening? Very, very slim. It's gonna happen to someone, but probably not you.You shouldn't just stop eating because of it. Not eating will cause you to die faster than it is to obtain food poisoning.

    I will continue to eat this foods without worry. If something happens, then...well, that sucks. &gt;_&lt;.

  19. #19
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    United States


    I guess that everyone is right. I mean for 20 years I've been eating chicken cooked by my mother and never once has it gotten me sick. AS for ground beef that made me sick once and I won't touch it anymore. Eggs, the same thing, for 20 years I've been making omlettes and eating them and I've never got sick. I've never had the pre made salads (Then again I'm not much of a salad person anyway) Maybe I shouldn't have freaked out as bad as I did...sorry about all that. *Points to previous post*

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    The only thing that I eat on that list is chicken. And now everytime I do I shall be worried, thank you

    Im not sure this is really a helpful and informative post, 33% of all statistics are made up on the spot you know...
    But since the world of emet is irrational and illogical youve probly scared the living hell out of a few people...

    Of course thats our own fault for chosing to come in here [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]

    But I still dont think this is v.constructive, if it were a proper study maybe but this may not even be accurate, and if you avoided every food that might possibly contain some bacteria youd never eat.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United States


    Hmm.. I read this post this morning and have actually thought about how I would choose to respond all day.

    I really did find the article interesting. I am glad it was posted. However, I was already fully aware of all of the health consequences listed because I make it a point to educate myself instead of living life with my head in the sand. I would rather be given the harsh truth rather thanhave the wool pulled over my eyesby anyone; whether it be the fda, politicians,doctors or my own family members no matter how upsetting it was for me.

    People are different. We have already recognized that in these posts. We all like to hear different things when we are nervous. Some of us like to ignore certain issues in order to not live daily life in a panic. UNDERSTANDABLE. Others feel that when they know the issues they are able to have a sense of control over their panic. Again.. UNDERSTANDABLE. We are all different. We all contribute something different here and that is what makes this place so positive and strong.

    I see nothing wrong with these kinds of posts. For instance... The one interesting point that I read on the list was that ground turkey was crawling with bacteria. See, when I stopped eating red meat, I started making burgers out of turkey. I could have read that and said... "OH MY GOD! I'll never eat ground turkey again!!" But instead I chose say to myself. "f***it! I like my damn turkey burgers and unless they are like ground beef and have s*** in them I am going to eat them... I will cook thebejesus out of them, same as ever.. and I will say YUMMMY when I am through." And through that experience for me.. I am one small baby step closer to saying "f*** you, emet!"

    I dunno.. That doesn't sound very well thought out, I know. But, I did give the topic a lot of thought. I don't see the problem with being well informed.

    \"This too shall pass\"

  22. #22
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    Nova Scotia, Canada


    while I understand your intentions for posting this, I agree that it might cause others to worry uneccessilarily.

    emets are prone to irrational thoughts ( as you know) and while yes, these foods may have potential to make you sick, there is really no need to broadcast it beacuse alot of emets may take it to the extreme.

    I consider myself a rational person, yet the more I read about the foods, the more alarm bells went off inside my head warning me not to eat them.

    my point is, I've eaten these foods all my life, and while Its good to be aware of some food facts, some emets may never touch those foods again.

    I think your intentions are good, but it may make some people scared. I like your posts, and I just think you may not be able to see the other side of the story. while you may be able to handle those facts, some emets won't be able to.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  23. #23
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    United States


    You make some good points, Babydoll. Infact, as I read your post I remembered a handfull of foods that the media did infact kill for me (because at the time that I received the knowlege of the contamination of the food, I was in a very vulnerable place in my life then, as many of us are now..) So, I definitely understand the point that you are trying to make.

    I just get sooo pissed that we have to think the way that we do. I get pissed everytime that I read a post where someone is scared to death because they ate this or did that. I just wish we could all say "f***IT" and change this s***. I realize that if we keep up with our old habits, nothing will change. It's all really upsetting for me.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  24. #24
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    I just wanted to add as well that I believe that when texas-darlin posted this, I am sure it was not to perpetuate fear. She even stated that it was suprising to her. It was probably just her way of dealing with what she learned and sharing it in order to help her understand and comprehend things better. We always inform eachother on things we read in the media about things concerning our phobia. We need to remember.. We are all in the same boat. I don't believe for a second that there is any person here who does not want to help and be helped by this board.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  25. #25
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    Nova Scotia, Canada


    you are so right, shiva. everyone on this board is looking for answers. we all Don't know how to deal with this phobia in the best way, otherwise we wouldn't be here.

    I agree that her post wasn't to startle anyone. I also agree that sometimes its best not to blind people from facts.

    I also tend to think that news and the internet, amd the media, tend to blow things way out of proportion, like they did with sars, for example. anything that will cause attention or hysteria, they make sound like life or death, don't you think?

    thats why I think it grabs our attention. it makes us worry ( some of us, anyways) and thats what we feed on.

    but, I also agree that we should sometimes look facts in the face and say screw it, I already knew that, it hasn't hurt me before...

    you always open my mind to new possibilities.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    United States


    That is true. The media is evil.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  27. #27
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    United States


    Way off topic - but SARS! Boy, was that blown out of proportion! I never hear a thing about it anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Babydoll

    you are so right, shiva. everyone on this board is looking for answers. we all Don't know how to deal with this phobia in the best way, otherwise we wouldn't be here.

    I agree that her post wasn't to startle anyone. I also agree that sometimes its best not to blind people from facts.

    I also tend to think that news and the internet, amd the media, tend to blow things way out of proportion, like they did with sars, for example. anything that will cause attention or hysteria, they make sound like life or death, don't you think?

    thats why I think it grabs our attention. it makes us worry ( some of us, anyways) and thats what we feed on.

    but, I also agree that we should sometimes look facts in the face and say screw it, I already knew that, it hasn't hurt me before...

    you always open my mind to new possibilities.

  28. #28
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    I'm just mad cause I haven't been able to sleep cause she called me a "stinko". I shower daily and sometimes twice in a day. Now there are some days when I don't shower, but come on now, it's not THAT bad! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    AIM - r311dude (don\'t be shy, I love to chat)

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    Lol- problems with these sorts of posts, is that everyone sets out with good intentions.
    I can fully appreciate the original intention of this post..but i can also sympathise greatly with conscious othose who may be unnerved or worried after reading this.
    It's important to remember, that lack of correct preparation and careless handling of food leads to the possible threat of getting sick..not solely the foods mentioned on this list..and as many of you will be already f the foods you already consume, you will also know that almost every type of food poses some threat or another.
    Some of my friends have v-e-r-y basic eating habits, and are not as clean and hygeinic as we are in the sense of preparation..yet they're fine!
    lesson to all of us.



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