Its my third day taking doxycycline for an infected cut on my finger. For a couple doses I felt fine after, but starting last night I got SUPER nauseous. Even when taking it with food. I remember years ago taking tetracycline (which is pretty much the same drug) and having no nausea, so I'm not sure whats going on. Im going back to the doctor tomorrow to see if he can switch me to a different antibiotic. I read online that the best one for infected wounds is cephalexin. Has anyone taken that, and did it cause nausea?

The annoying thought keeps creeping in my head that my nausea is from a SV and not related to the antibiotic. But it's been almost 24 hrs of nausea and I havent v'd or had dia, and im able to eat without wanting to die. Or maybe its hormonal since my period is almost 2 weeks overdue (2 neg. preg tests). But switching antibiotics seems like the simplest explanation so I'm hoping thats actually the cause.

Also zofran isnt an option because it interacts with lexapro which I also take. Pepto hasnt done much to help.
