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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default It's been a long time since I've been on here

    Hello all..
    I've suffered from emetophobia for many many years and used to spend a lot of time on this forum. Oddly enough it's not my fear of v* that has made me return. I remember coming on here during times of extreme need and there was always someone here to talk to. I now find myself in a situation where I need someone to talk to. My partner of approx 7 years has just returned to Canada for a month (we live in Australia together, he's Canadian). I am not dealing very well with him being gone. We share an apartment with our 2 beautiful cats and this is the first time that I will be living alone and it scares the hell out of me! I don't have many friends these days as I spend almost all of my spare time with my partner. Since dropping him off at the airport over 3 hours ago I have barely stopped crying. I hate this! Does anyone have any advice on how to get through the next month? Hope this is an acceptable topic. Thanks for listening.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: It's been a long time since I've been on here

    Aw I also live alone. Well, my son is here half the time. It is definitely an adjustment to get used to the sights and sounds, eating alone etc. BUT this is also a great time for you to do things you can't do when he is there:

    1. clean our your closet (ie make piles all over the apartment of "donate, sell, keep")
    2. clean out the pantry and fridge (trust me, it takes longer than you think)
    3. clean/declutter the bathroom
    4. hit the library
    5. watch a movie ALONE that he would never see with you - I am sure there is SOMETHING
    6. get a mani/pedi/massage
    7. do some shopping for new linens or something
    8. fall clothes shopping!
    9. nap. sofa. sweats. all weekend. no one cares!
    10. ummm...I need a 10. what would I do? hit ikea, probably. I love ikea. I can go there for 3 hours and never be bored.

    let me say this - I live alone. I don't have many friends...ok, I don't really have any. But I am awesome and fun and make small talk with strangers every day and get my fix from twitter and other online connections. A month is so short. Trust me, you will be fine. DM me anytime. We can chat!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: It's been a long time since I've been on here

    Aw thankyou so much for your reply, you have no idea how much it means. From your suggestions it's like you already know me! Especially love the last one - I could easily spend 3 hours in Ikea too haha. They are all great suggestions and I will likely end up doing most of them! I wish I could stop acting like my partner has died though. I start balling my eyes out when I see something that belongs to him, I'm a real mess! :/ I know it will get easier as the days go by but right now I'm just really struggling with it. It's also hard knowing that he will be having a great time with friends and family while I'm here alone feeling sorry for myself. Thank God for my cats and cable TV! But thankyou again for taking the time to reply x



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